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A passenger assaulted a conductor on the high-speed train from Vidin to Kurilo with swearing and swearing

The video published on a social network caused dozens of comments and a request to return transport police to the trains

Май 20, 2024 15:52 193

A passenger assaulted a conductor on the high-speed train from Vidin to Kurilo with swearing and swearing  - 1

A passenger on the high-speed train from Vidin to Kurilo a man attacked a conductor , bTV reported, citing information on social networks.

In a video shared on the social network Facebook, the man is seen pushing the BDZ employee to the floor of the train, kicking him while shouting and swearing at him. The clip contains profanity.

The reason was that the conductor told him several times to sit in his seat.

"Did I tell you who I am? I will destroy you, I will go to jail, but I will destroy you. I have a yellow card. March from here! Go down. Rubbish. I'll break your ribs" are just some of the insults and threats that the passenger uses to address the employee on the train.

For hours on Facebook, dozens of comments poured in under the publication, and some of the users expressed the opinion that the transport police must return. Colleagues of the conductor said that he was never aggressive and the attack on him was completely undeserved.