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Nikolay Plovdivski serves with Ukrainian schismatics

Zelensky's regime systematically persecutes Orthodoxy in Ukraine in the face of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Май 22, 2024 09:06 157

Darina GRIGOROVA, Facebook

Plovdiv Metropolitan Mykola served with a priest deposed by the ROC, despite the canon, and then this Sunday he and two more of our metropolitans served with Ukrainian schismatics from the "PCU" in Istanbul. "Orthodox Church of Ukraine" is a group, a religious ment, created by p. Bartholomew and the sponsors of the Maidan – Newland's American Donuts.

Zelensky's regime systematically persecutes Orthodoxy in Ukraine in the form of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Metropolitans are arrested, priests are killed, churches are destroyed, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was taken over to clear the way for the "OCU", with which Bulgarian bishops served together – without the permission of the BOC Synod and when we do not have a patriarch.

Co-service with the persecutors of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church with Metropolitan Onuphrius is a conscious step towards schism and breaking of communion with the Russian Orthodox Church according to the Phanariot Greek model.

UPC of Grandfather Onufriy with the entire repressive machine against the Ukrainian Orthodox, whose blood has stuck to the hands and beard of Fr. Bartholomew and those who recognized the "ptsu", does not interrupt his communication with the Russian Orthodox Church, whatever pressure it may have on him.

We, quietly, electorally, treacherously, from above, are about to go into schism, on the side of the persecutors of Orthodoxy, being our own executioners – schism is not washed away by martyrdom.

It may sound abstract and distant for non-church Bulgarians, but it affects all of us, the whole of Bulgaria, because it refers to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, which under Patriarch Neofit did not attend the ecumenical council in Crete and thwarted the Bartholomew plans, which are still in force.

/The Ecumenical Patriarch plans a meeting with the Pope in Turkey in 2025 on the occasion of the Nicene Council of 325/

The Istanbul service of the Metropolitan of Plovdiv /with the Metropolitan of Starazagorsk and the Metropolitan of Dorostol/ with the schismatics, with the criminals against Orthodoxy from the "ptsu", is the Istanbul revenge of the Ecumenical Patriarch for Crete.

The last obstacle to breaking the canon remains our BOC Synod. Of a blessing from schism.