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Vladimir Shopov: We are witnessing many transitions - energy, digital, industrial, geopolitical

In the coming 5 years, a solution must be found with unanimity and creation of more opportunities, decisions should be made with a qualified majority, said the political scientist

Май 30, 2024 18:22 98

Vladimir Shopov: We are witnessing many transitions - energy, digital, industrial, geopolitical  - 1

Activation of China and Russia in countries that are in the negotiation process to enter the EU shows that they are trying to divert the European trajectory of these countries like Georgia and Serbia. And our neighbors are moving away from the EU, signing a free trade agreement with China - incompatible with European membership.

This is what the political scientist and expert on European affairs Vladimir Shopov commented before the BNR.

The EU will have difficulties and problems and in the next few years it will be difficult to find solutions, the political scientist predicts.

He commented that the EU urgently needs to find answers regarding relations with China:

"Obviously, it will be more of an opponent of the EU than a partner. It is obvious that China has a desire for an aggressive and offensive foreign policy that could lead to instability in Asia – on Taiwan relations. Next is that China is an economic challenge for Europe and the EU. It is systematically attacking various European industries and this is happening now."

Shopov reminded that the EP elections are important because between 2014 and 2022 “The EU and Europe, in general, left space for its competitors, in the face of China and Russia, and was faced with a series of crises, with which to handle“.

„We witnessed that for a decade Europe was following the events. And from this point of view, the elections come in a situation in which Europe is on the brink and answers to key questions must be found, as well as to some of the daily crises of security, defense, migration“, recommended Vladimir Shopov.

And added:

"I would also pay attention to the many transitions we are witnessing - energy, digital, industrial, geopolitical transitions – we are in a radically different situation and simply the time and opportunities for postponement are running out."

According to him, the EU must first reach maximum agreement on the goal to pursue - for the EU to become a more united and integrated union, but at the same time avoid transforming into a superstate.

„Here is the difficult balance from an institutional point of view. In the coming 5 years, a solution must be found with unanimity and creation of more opportunities, decisions must be made by a qualified majority, because it will be difficult to achieve complete unanimity and agreement”, warned the expert on European affairs.

And he believes that "the areas in which the EU should focus its attention, first of all, is the creation of a European Military Union, a Security Union – well funded and balanced with NATO. And not to question the functioning of the Alliance".

Regarding EU enlargement, Vladimir Shopov commented:

"From recent discussions, I am impressed by the increasing focus on deepening the single market and the growth of Europe's economic growth. So far, it is lower than that of the US. It is no coincidence that Scholz and Macron spoke of a new wave of integration – capital market and investing in AI, and creating and supporting large European companies to compete with American and Chinese multinationals.

To find the new generation of companies that are able to integrate the productions of the member countries inside the EU and have a strong and global presence. And it all depends on what type of majority will be formed in the EP."