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Vanya Grigorova: The business of fast loans is a symptom of disturbing processes in the state, which we can deal with

We are a brake in front of the boundless greed of the sponsors of the big parties. Vanya Grigorova knows what needs to be done for working people. I, as an ombudsman, have ready measures to protect consumers from monopolies. Kadiev, as a respected economist, knows how to do the calculations, said Maya Manolova

Май 31, 2024 14:36 342

Vanya Grigorova: The business of fast loans is a symptom of disturbing processes in the state, which we can deal with  - 1

The business with quick loans is a symptom of alarming processes in the state, which we can deal with. This was stated by the leader of the "Solidary Bulgaria" Coalition to the citizens of Sliven. Vanya Grigorova, who is the leader of the lists in 25 MIR, in Plovdiv-city and for the European Parliament. She continued her face-to-face meetings where she aligns the Coalition's priorities with the people's agenda. "In Nova Zagora, as everywhere in the region, there is great concern about what is happening with the complex "Maritsa Iztok". One of the three thermal power plants has already laid off 160 employees, TPP-2 is operating at reduced capacity, the mines are almost idle, she said. Without energy, there is no strong economy. Without an economy, there are no people, and without people, there is no country - this is the great concern of the citizens of New Zealand. They, as well as congregants, want their children to stay in Bulgaria. In Sliven, people said that the town comes alive during the proms, after which the next graduating class leaves.

"Another thing that I have noticed in the region is the breakneck growth of the quick loans business. In a city like Nova Zagora, such "companies" peeking out literally from every angle. And they drastically increase the indebtedness of the population. And they are also one of the reasons for emigration abroad. When a person cannot repay the loan, he leaves, even employers share this, said Vanya Grigorova. I have been interested in the problem - users are mainly of two types - young people, whose access to such loans fuels gambling addiction, and the working poor, who withdraw money to meet urgent needs. All this is reaching epidemic proportions. I am aware that the fast credit business is a symptom of certain processes and not the root cause, but I don't know of any other country in the EU with such easy access to such "services". More and more banks are opening such bureaus for quick loans".

Vanya Grigorova added that the Coalition "Solidary Bulgaria" is preparing legislative measures and will tackle this task, which has so far eluded the eyes of the people's representatives. "The owners of such businesses clearly manage to find a lobby so that regulations and changes are not accepted. Maya Manolova's bill on private bankruptcy, which is still not accepted by the parliament, guarantees a kind of "second life" to the debtor so that he can start fresh,", she said.

The leader of the list of Coalition "Solidary Bulgaria" in Sliven Mincho Afuzov noted that this region has the highest birth rate in the country, but at the same time the highest death rate among newborns. "It is already the region with the lowest wage. And also with the lowest results of the National External Assessment of students after grades 5 and 9, he said. Health care is also collapsing, although private health facilities are springing up to absorb money from the health fund without offering the necessary quality. As an example, I can give a case of a person with a stroke who is 3 kilometers from the center of the Kotel, but waited 6 hours for an ambulance to pick him up. The Bulgarian people yearn for a little more country in their existence, and this applies even more strongly to the Sliven region. For me Coalition "Solidary Bulgaria" is the rebel team I've joined to take the country back to the people.

Vanya Grigorova, Mincho Afuzov, Stefan Paskov and other candidates from the list also visited the production company "RETAL", where the remuneration of the workers is one of the highest in the region. However, there are job vacancies. The conclusion drawn by the employer and his guests is that people are stuck not only with income, but also with a suitable social environment and social life, which in Sliven are obviously increasingly scarce in connection with the general decline of the economy.

At a city-wide meeting in the evening in the full hall of the "National" joined by the chairman of the "Stand Up. BG" Maya Manolova and Georgi Kadiev, second in the Euro list of the coalition led by Vanya Grigorova.

"There is only one new person in these elections - Vanya Grigorova. In these elections, there is only one alternative to all that is flooding us - "Solidary Bulgaria". Everything else is painfully familiar to you. So - to work!", Maya Manolova called for mergers and added: "We are a brake in front of the boundless greed of the sponsors of the big parties. Vanya Grigorova knows what needs to be done for working people. As an ombudsman, I have ready measures to protect consumers from monopolies. Georgi Kadiev, as a respected economist, knows how to do the math. There are 700,000 working poor whose protection we must begin with. Tax-free minimum is the first step - the first 930 BGN earned by every working person should not be taxed. I want to draw attention to a problem, the solution of which Vanya and I, as women, are very suited to deal with. These are the single parents who are mainly women and form a significant proportion of the working poor in the country. This is a very big problem. Tens of thousands of children who grow up with one parent are doomed to be deprived from an early age. Special measures are needed for their protection. Measures are also needed for bank fees. The legislative decision is clear - they must be capped. But the banks are all-powerful, and the MPs and many of the parties are their servants.

Georgi Kadiev warned the citizens that the ground is being prepared in public space for sending NATO troops to Ukraine. "We, from the Coalition "Solidary Bulgaria" we are absolutely categorical - no Bulgarian participation there, even if the price of this is the freezing of membership in NATO, he declared. - There is no purpose or reason to justify this. "There are universal human values, there are 10 commandments of God - but tell me if you know at least one Euro-Atlantic value"...