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Political scientist: I don't think that the unification around the BSP will bring them any special benefits

The party system in Bulgaria is becoming murky water, in which it is not known and not expected what may come out. This is the most serious problem, because predictability is a positive feature in politics, as well as in the economy, pointed out Dr. Teodora Yovcheva

Sep 28, 2024 12:38 31

Political scientist: I don't think that the unification around the BSP will bring them any special benefits  - 1

The more serious red lines are drawn in the campaign, the more unprestigious it will be their crossing after the elections. He said this in an interview for the show "Newsroom". on Radio "Focus" the political scientist and teacher at SU "St. Kliment Ohridski" Dr. Teodora Yovcheva.

"I have no expectations of a change in the trends we have observed so far. This means continued fragmentation and low voter turnout. We see that there is a serious polarization and a vote for new parties, that is, quite a few Bulgarians prefer to vote for other formations, rather than for the traditional ones. In such a situation, under these conditions, there is no way to expect stable management. Possibly, this thing could be achieved if at some point a much more serious political entity appears, which without appeal will be able to attract a larger part of the vote of the voters to form a majority around itself," she explained.< /strong>

In this case, however, Dr. Yovcheva singled out two problems:

"The first is that it is not known what character such a subject will be. It is not excluded that with the anti-party sentiments he is of the "Orban" type. in Hungary or similar with an authoritarian request. The second problem is that, given the waning enthusiasm for politics and the political, it doesn't seem possible to me that such a large entity could emerge that would take 50+ of the electoral vote and clearly form a majority, or garner the support of the other parties".

As for the stability of political formations at the beginning of the election campaign, the political scientist explained: "GERB seem more monolithic, as well as PP-DB. Although the "Green Movement" left the coalition, so far this does not affect them electorally. "Revival" also appear to be in an extremely stable position, at least organizationally. Needless to say, the DPS is in worse shape. I do not think that the unification around the BSP will bring them any special benefits. In my opinion, most parties enter this election with a weaker position than in the previous ones.

In her words, the previous confrontation between PP-DB and GERB-SDS will be replaced by the confrontation between the "Alliance for Rights and Freedoms" and "DPS-New Beginning".

"For me, the campaign should be such that it provides an opportunity to form a government. If the parties continue in the same spirit of confrontation and compromises, it is most likely that after the elections the same dead end will be reached. Although unprestigious, in my opinion, in this campaign the parties should be more selective in setting red lines. The more serious red lines are drawn during the campaign, the more disreputable it will be to cross them afterwards, as happened with the assembly", commented Dr. Teodora Yovcheva.

"The party system in Bulgaria is becoming a "murky water", in which one does not know and does not expect what may come out. This is the most serious problem, because predictability is a positive feature in politics, as well as in the economy," the political scientist pointed out.

According to Dr. Yovcheva, there are several remaining options for the future of Bulgaria after October 27. "For me, the question is whether to form a majority with certain clearly communicated objectives and with all the negatives it can bear, whether to form a minority government that will delay a new parliamentary vote a little, or whether to go straight to new elections . For me, the last option is less and less realistic from the point of view of the losses that the parties suffer", she predicts.