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Why are Vanya Grigorova and Maya Manolova doomed to failure and cannot enter the next parliament?

The consistent policy of #BSP in the last over 10 years as the only alternative to GERB

Май 31, 2024 20:14 691

Why are Vanya Grigorova and Maya Manolova doomed to failure and cannot enter the next parliament?   - 1

The political project of Vanya Grigorova and Maya Manolova – Solidarna Bulgaria, which they created after they distanced themselves from the BSP, and then with the departure of the Left, is doomed to failure for many reasons.

This was commented by Dr. Sabina Petkanska-Valeva.

I will share some of the most important ones, because of which I think Vanya Grigorova and Maya Manolova will not be able to enter the next parliament:

1. Vanya Grigorova - Maya Manolova are no longer associated with #BSP and do not benefit from the authority, organization and structures of #BSP. On the contrary, they are competitors of the Party and work against #BSP.

This makes their applications insignificant and unnoticeable. Moreover, in addition to opposing the BSP, Vanya Grigorova got into a rough confrontation with Kornelia Ninova.

There is no program, structure, organization and personalities of the BSP to work for them and legitimize them before the society. BSP works for its elected representatives for the national and European parliaments.

2. The scandalous and surprising departure of Vanya Grigorova - M. Manolova from the Left.

With the surprising departure of Vanya Grigorova – Maya Manolova of the Left due to unsatisfied personal authoritarian ambitions, with the embarrassment of the Chairman of the Left Kostadin Paskalev and the entire team that had worked for them in the local elections, Vanya Grigorova - Maya Manolova clearly and categorically delegitimized themselves as an alternative to the left. They clearly showed that their project satisfies only their personal and authoritarian ambitions.

This cannot fail to be seen and understood and not to alienate the left-wing voter.

3. The rude and aggressive tone especially of V. Grigorova towards everyone and everything. The hard-to-hide incompetence for Bulgaria's problems in many spheres and areas of public life. Focusing only on the income of factory workers and neglecting all other spheres and professions of modern society. It is as if we are in the 19th-20th century of mass physical labor in factory production. Obvious ignorance of the structure of modern society, its organization and ways of functioning and real problems in Bulgaria. Uncovered self-confidence and authoritarian bias shown with the frequent use of - AZ. A clear lack of ideology, program, team, organization and sympathizers.

4. Openly strong anti-European positions .

The strong anti-European positions of Vanya Grigorova and Maya Manolova put them in direct competition, especially with Vazrazhdane and the Left. Where V. Manolova – IN . Grigorova can hardly be distinguished from the Left on the one hand. And on the other hand, they can hardly outdo Vazrajdane in their anti-European rhetoric for not accepting the euro and even for Bulgaria's exit from the EU.

At the same time, the left-oriented voters who are in favor of the European development of Bulgaria as a full member of the EU, who are the majority of the left-wing voters, it is quite logical to come to the conclusion that the best choice for them is the BSP, not the Left and more - a little Vanya Grigorova- M. Manolova .

5. The environment is different - the most inappropriate choice of PP-DB of Vasil Terziev and GERB of Hekimyan as candidates for mayors of Sofia, as opponents of Vanya Grigorova, which would direct many voters to her.

In the upcoming elections, it will be clearly shown that a star was not born in the local elections in Sofia, as some journalists wrote.

There is the most inappropriate choice of a candidate for mayor of Sofia from PP-DB in the person of V. Terziev, who disgusted and repelled the right-wing and liberal voters in Sofia. And GERB's election of Hekimyan, who failed to consolidate GERB's voters.

Which led to voting for V. Grigorova as a new and unknown face to many right-wing voters and to many GERB sympathizers.

So Vanya Grigorova, after GERB and PP-DB did not have suitable candidates for mayor of Sofia, as a representative of the next most influential party in Sofia - BSP, practically remained the only alternative for the election of mayor of Sofia.

That is why Vanya Grigorova's success as mayor of Sofia is not as personal as BSP's and the fact that PP-DB and GERB nominated the most unsuitable candidates possible.

6. The story of M. Manolova until now: The proposal of Peevski for the chairman of DANS, which led to year-long protests and the fall of Oresharski's government. Participation in the Kostinbrod election affair. Leaving the BSP and becoming an Ombudsman with the help of GERB.

The opposition of GERB and the application for mayor of Sofia.

Participation in the right-wing association - We are coming Participation in the Left as well, and then the surprising departure of the Left.

The participation in Solidarna Bulgaria with V. Grigorova.

Analysis and conclusions are superfluous, the people have many sayings about such cases. The left-wing voter cannot but draw his own conclusions and arrive at the logical decisions.

7. The story of Vanya Grigorova :

Grow up and established herself as a publicly recognizable person as a trade unionist from the Podkrepa trade union. A trade union that was created by Trenchev as a competition to the KNSB with a history and scope for pro-European orientation and politics.

The change of position and the application for mayor of Sofia by the BSP and the Left.

The separation from the BSP with sharp and harsh criticism of Ninova.

The scandalous and unexpected departure of the Left, after claims for a one-man rule of the Left and the creation of its own political project.

Despite Vanya Grigorova's short political history, the trend is clearly visible and quite unflattering.

8. The sober judgment of every left-wing voter that by voting for Vanya Grigorova-Maya Manolova, his vote will be lost and 90% of his vote will go to others, including right-wing and nationalist formations, and only 10% of his vote will go to the left formations such as BSP .

9. The consistent policy of #BSP in the last more than 10 years as the only alternative to GERB.

The growing authority of the BSP, especially after the failure of the assembly and especially of the PP-DB and the transformation of the BSP increasingly into the only party that can unite around itself the political forces that are in favor of changing the GERB model.


#Elections Due to the listed and many other reasons, due to the involuntary comparison by the left voter between BSP and Solidarna Bulgaria of Vanya Grigorova - Maya Manolova – inevitably for the vast majority of left-wing voters, the announced election will be for the BSP, not for Vanya Grigorova - Maya Manolova. And this makes it impossible for Solidarna Bulgaria to overcome the 4th percentage barrier to enter the next parliament.

That is why I appeal to left-wing voters and sympathizers to vote for #BSP with ballot #number24 for the national elections and for the European Parliament elections.

BGParliament bulletin #number24 - 102

European elections ballot #number 24 -108


Dr. Sabina Petkanska-Valeva