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Deputy Minister of Finance: We are between the 85th and 95th kilometers from the hundred kilometers to the Eurozone

I hope that after the upcoming elections, things will become much more visible and faster, said Metodi Metodiev

Jun 4, 2024 20:53 196

Deputy Minister of Finance: We are between the 85th and 95th kilometers from the hundred kilometers to the Eurozone  - 1

Bulgaria it still has a chance to enter the Eurozone next year, but only if it requests an extraordinary report from the European Union. This was announced by Deputy Finance Minister Metodi Metodiev during the "The Noise of Money" conference.

Political instability in our country also distances Bulgaria from the Eurozone, but not the only factor for this, according to financiers.

"Bulgaria six months ago surprisingly entered the gray list of FATF for money laundering and financing of international terrorism. We people from the financial sector are firstly ashamed and secondly suffer from this, because Westerners consider us some third category of partners", pointed out the economist Nikolay Vassilev.

Economists once again emphasized that no exception was allowed for Croatia, which adopted the euro, and there will not be one for us.

"There are some hopes here that there are some rules, but we will enter through the back entrance, we have to forget that," commented Lachezar Bogdanov, senior economist of IPI.

By the end of the month, it is expected to be adopted by the Council of Ministers and the euro law, which will be submitted to the new National Assembly for a vote.

"I think we are between the 85th and 95th kilometers of the hundred kilometers. In the past years. A lot of work was done, which is perhaps not so visible, but I hope that after the upcoming elections, things will become much more visible and faster, said Metodi Metodiev, Deputy Minister of Finance.

This, according to the head of the stock exchange, will also attract more investments in our country.

"Abolition of the leva and the transition to the euro means the elimination of currency risk, every financier knows very well that the elimination of the currency risk component, which in principle accumulates the investment risk for investments in a country, said Manyu Moravenov, executive director of the BSE.

In the best case scenario, Bulgaria would adopt the euro from July 1 next year.