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Hekimyan: Are "The Change" brazen or are they driving us crazy?

Now they are trying to introduce a temporary traffic organization with "decisions" of some fictional "Monitoring Committees" of the introduced traffic organization on the three boulevards

Jun 14, 2024 10:51 67

Hekimyan: Are "The Change" brazen or are they driving us crazy?  - 1

Terziev and Bonev continue with their desperate attempts to “legitimize“ the huge blunder with the “Patriarch”, “Vitoshka” and “Nansen”. This is what the municipal councilor from GERB-SDS Anton Hekimyan wrote on Facebook.

Now they are trying to introduce a temporary organization of the movement with “solutions” of some fictitious "Monitoring Committees" of the introduced organization of traffic on the three boulevards.

Are “The Change” or are they making us crazy?

What we see from a letter of the Capital Municipality published by Diana Rusinova:

1. A new organization of the movement has begun.

2. The court stopped it and now it remains unfinished.

3. Terziev appointed a Committee to monitor something that is not ready.

4. This Committee, which has no authority for anything, says it must be done - note !!! - temporary organization of traffic, because the route is not finished and poses risks.

I am opening an important bracket - it is not finished because it was started incorrectly and the court stopped it.

5. With this new “temporary“ organization want to launch the traffic light regime for the suspended organization - despite the court's decision!

6. All these “solutions“ of fictitious Committees without powers will be sent to the SDVR for an opinion.

There are clear rules for introducing temporary traffic organization and they are not proportional to the damage that “rescuers” caused the “Patriarch“, “Vitoshka“ and “Nansen“.

In addition:

Everyone also forgets “Skobelev”, where a new organization has already been drawn up on the same principle without projects.