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Unanimously and against Kornelia Ninova, BSP does not want Kaloyan Metodiev in the parliament

Borislav Gutsanov, not Georgi Svilenski, will head the parliamentary group

Jun 15, 2024 15:54 112

Unanimously and against Kornelia Ninova, BSP does not want Kaloyan Metodiev in the parliament  - 1

BSP does not want Kaloyan Metodiev in its parliamentary group and calls on him not to take the oath as a deputy in 50th NS. This was voted by the National Council of the party unanimously and with 107 votes "in favor". and obliges the parliamentary group to abide by its decision. The head of the red group in this parliament will be Borislav Gutsanov, and Dragomir Stoynev has been proposed as deputy speaker of the parliament.

The former leader of the youth SDS entered the parliament after Cornelia Ninova ceded her seat in the capital's 25th MIR and chose to be a deputy from Blagoevgrad. She did this despite the fact that there was a decision of the Executive Bureau to the contrary - that she should enter from Sofia. Metodiev was Ninova's chief of staff as Minister of Economy in Kiril Petkov's government. His inclusion in the second position on the lists for parliament in a seat reserved for a civilian quota was a surprise even to most of the members of the Executive Bureau.

The National Council of the party decided that Borislav Gutsanov will be the head of the red group in this parliament. Thus, the decision of Ninova, made by a coalition council, that Georgi Svilenski should be the chairman of the PG was revised. Earlier today, he himself saw a plot against the leader of "Positano".

Because of this decision of Ninova, the Plenum voted to update the composition of BSP representatives in the Coalition Council of "BSP for Bulgaria". Dragomir Stoynev will be the BSP's proposal for deputy head of the 50th National Assembly.

The National Council also adopted a decision with which the party remains in opposition and will not support a government with a GERB-SDS and DPS mandate.