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Kornelia Ninova and Georgi Svilenski are threatened with party punishment

The "Positano" 20 scares continue

Jun 15, 2024 16:58 99

Kornelia Ninova and Georgi Svilenski are threatened with party punishment  - 1

Cornelia Ninova narrowly escaped being punished and not having the right to apply for leadership positions in the BSP for a period of 1 year Also Georgi Svilenski, because both of them did not follow the decision of the Executive Bureau of the party from where to enter as deputies.

Their punishment was demanded by socialists during the meeting of the National Council, among them the young Nadezhda Midyurova. And although the majority of votes were for punishment, no vote and decision was reached because she herself was not present at "Positano" 20. It was decided to invite her to the meeting so that she could attend and be heard, writes "24 hours".

In the last 2-3 years, socialists have been excluded from the National Council without them being present, as well as people have been punished for less, not for violating the statute, as was the case with Ivan Ivanov, however, Midyurova reminded.< /p>

It was decided to revise all the punishments in the last 2 years.

Even without punishment, Ninova cannot run for leader again, members of the plenum were emphatic. She is in resignation, which must be ascertained at the congress in November. By then, her second term at the head of the party will have expired. And since her mandate has expired, and not prematurely terminated, she has no right to run for office, because according to the statute, only 2 mandates as a leader are allowed.

We remind you that Cornelia Ninova chose to enter from Blagoevgrad to become MP Kaloyan Metodiev. The former leader of the youth SDS entered the parliament as the second in the capital's 25th MIR. Ninova did this despite the fact that there was a decision of the Executive Bureau to the contrary - that she should enter from Sofia. Earlier today, the National Council obliged the BSP group not to include Kaloyan Metodiev in its composition and demanded that he leave the parliament.

The same was done by Georgi Svilenski, who will be a deputy from Pleven, despite the decision of the IB to be a deputy from the capital's 24th MIR. So he stopped Stefan Burjev, and Mikhail Stavrev, close to the leader, entered the National Assembly.