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Bad news for the beaches in Dobrichko and Varna: Fecal waters are pouring out over the weekend, and the authorities are

85 meters of pipes have been carried into the sea. The concessionaires were obliged not to let beachgoers into the Black Sea

Jun 21, 2024 20:22 397

Bad news for the beaches in Dobrichko and Varna: Fecal waters are pouring out over the weekend, and the authorities are  - 1

Regional Health Inspection (RZI) - Dobrich recommends to limit as much as possible the use of sea water for bathing in the area of the accident that occurred in the "Albena" wastewater treatment plant, with in order to protect bathers from exposure to pollution. Fecal waters are poured near the beaches. 85 meters of pipes were carried into the Black Sea.

This was announced by RZI-Dobrich.

As a result of actions taken by the water company on June 17, 2024, it was found that a section with a length of approximately 85 m of the collector was carried into the sea, and five pipes were discovered and removed, bTV revealed.

The RZI also indicate that notification letters have been sent to the concessionaires and tenants of the respective beaches, with a recommendation to limit the use of water in this area for bathing as much as possible, in order to protect the bathers from exposure to pollution, reports BTA.

In addition to today's sampling, an extraordinary sampling is also planned for June 23. The authority transfers all the responsibility to the concessionaires, because its employees will rest during the weekend.

The reason is that the state budget is running out of steam, and overtime must be paid.

In connection with the emergency situation with the "Albena" WWTP collector. the regional governor of Dobrich is convening a commission in which a representative of RIOSV-Varna will also participate.

On the basis of the information provided by the Basin Directorate "Black Sea Region" at this stage, the RZI believe that there may be short-term contamination of the bathing water in the area of the accident until it is removed, and there is a possibility of a potential risk to the health of the population when using it for bathing.

From RZI they add that today they were notified by letter from the Basin Directorate "Black Sea Region" (BDCR) about the incident and have taken immediate measures.

Directed health control was carried out by employees of RZI-Dobrich, accompanied by sampling, and water samples were taken both from the area of the accident - “Kranevo-central“ and from the bathing areas adjacent to the accident – “Albena“ and “Kranevo-south“ for research on the following microbiological indicators: “Escherichia coli“, “intestinal enterococci“, “Salmonella“ and “cholera vibrios“ (NAG).