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Ten illegal migrants were injured in an accident near Yambol

The police confirmed the incident, specifying that the jeep crashed between the "Petolatchka" road junction and the village of Zimnitsa in Stralja

Jul 1, 2024 22:50 99

Ten illegal migrants were injured in an accident near Yambol  - 1

Ten illegal migrants were injured in an accident with a jeep near Yambol. The incident took place shortly before 8:00 p.m., reported the deputy director of the regional hospital “St. Panteleimon“ Dr. Valentin Valchev.

The police confirmed the incident, specifying that the jeep crashed between the junction “Petolatchka” and the Stralja village of Zimnitsa.

Movement in the section is not restricted.

Seven of the migrants were admitted to the Yambol hospital, and three were taken by an emergency team to the state hospital in Sliven. They are currently being examined and their condition is being clarified, said Dr. Valchev.