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Petar Cholakov: There is a clear opposition between Dogan and his "son" Peevski, "parricide" is not out of the question

From people who know Dogan, I know that he is very vindictive and I think he will not give up without a fight. So it remains to be seen whether this internal war in the DPS will be prolonged or will end quickly, added the political scientist

Jul 3, 2024 22:04 67

Petar Cholakov: There is a clear opposition between Dogan and his "son" Peevski, "parricide" is not out of the question - 1

This drama in the DPS overshadowed the drama of the formation of Mr. Zhelyazkov's government, and it is extremely important. I said a few months ago that it remains to be seen whether this experiment with two DPS leaders will prove successful. We are witnessing the end of the "Ahmed Dogan" era. This is what the political scientist Assoc. Petar Cholakov commented on the air of NovaNews, quoted by

He pointed out that there is a clear opposition between Dogan and his “son” Peevski, admitting that it is not out of the question to get to “parricide”.

From people who know Dogan, I know that he is very vindictive and I think he will not go down without a fight. So it remains to be seen whether this internal war in the DPS will be prolonged, or will end quickly, added Assoc. Cholakov.
In his words, Dogan's decision to have the Movement led by two leaders was reasonable, since Peevski himself “is not liked by many dispatchers”, which is why Jevdet Chakarov was also proposed as co-chairman.< /p>

He (Chakarov, b.r.) is not just an ornament there, because Delyan Peevski's behavior betrays a great lust for power and a lack of any political pragmatism. Peevski has many levers to impose his will in the party, but this could lead to riots in places, the political scientist warned.

According to him, the biggest mistake of the honorary chairman of DPS was that he trusted Peevski too much.

In conclusion, Prof. Cholakov predicts that in all probability we will again go to early parliamentary elections. As for the third term, he hypothesized that the president will hand it to either "There is such a people" or the BSP.