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Hampartsumyan: People are not tired of elections, but of the proposals they make to vote

According to Hampartsumyan, the best option is to have elections until a working parliament is assembled. "We need to set our national priorities so that the government can start working on them," added the banker

Jul 7, 2024 12:07 77

Hampartsumyan: People are not tired of elections, but of the proposals they make to vote  - 1

The representation of Bulgarian politicians, if it was in the corporate world, would have been thrown out with jesters years ago. Bulgaria is last in the European Union and everything else. People are not tired of elections, but of the offers they are made to vote for. This was stated by the banker Levon Hampartsumyan on the air of Nova TV.
According to him, the better option is to hold elections until a working parliament is assembled. “We need to set our national priorities so that the government can start working on them”, he added.

Levon Hampartzumyan also commented on Bulgaria's entry into the Eurozone. “The stress of moving to the Eurozone is just as great as that of those who cross the Bulgarian-Greek border, going there on vacation. They are going to the Eurozone”, the banker was emphatic.