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Atalay: Peevski wants us to abandon Mr. Dogan. He turned against the man, put him in the political arena

Yes, the DPS parliamentary group is currently disunited. One part of the people's representatives follows the principles of the organization, its statute. The other - personal interests, Atalai also commented

Jul 7, 2024 13:07 93

Atalay: Peevski wants us to abandon Mr. Dogan. He turned against the man, put him in the political arena  - 1

DPS cannot be split. Yes, the DPS parliamentary group is currently disbanded. One part of the people's representatives follows the principles of the organization, its statute. The other – your personal interests. But whether there will be a real split will be clear in days. I am sure there are many other colleagues who do not think the way they voted the other day. This commented on the opinion expressed on the air of the show “ Sunday 150“ according to BNR Ramadan Atalai, a long-time MP from the DPS, who was expelled from the PG of the DPS, quoted by

According to Atalay, the decision to have two co-presidents of the DPS was reached in order to bring the party to the level where democratic decisions are made.

„However, it can be seen that dual power cannot be a solution in the current situation. People's representatives should make decisions according to their conscience. But when you don't have a conscience, but you have a person who doesn't come from the sphere of politics, but from business, where individual decisions are made, that's exactly what happens: unconstitutional decisions, disregard for collective bodies, etc.&ldquo ;, Atalai also said on the air of BNR.
Peevski wants us to abandon Mr. Dogan. He turned against the man who had put him in the political arena. But people know Mr. Dogan and know what he has done for the party. There is no way that he, who fought against authoritarian regimes, should stand idly by in the attempts to establish such a regime in DPS. These attempts give rise to the resistance forces of the DPS, I believe in them, Atalay was categorical.
According to Atalay, there is no way for the DPS to split in terms of its principles.

„I have always told Delyan Peevski that this way of working will not lead him to anything good. His answer is: “I have always won and I will win again.“ But in politics, the do-it-yourself approach doesn't work. "Politics is a process of building trust, of persuasion, of defending causes," the politician believes.

Atalai also said that the decision to withdraw confidence from him was made by the regional organization of the DPS in Plovdiv under the pressure of Peevski.

„I was supported by the organizations from Asenovgrad, Krichim, Parvomai, Maritsa, Rodopi. The district chairman of the party deliberately did not work in the campaign to sabotage the DPS result in the district. There are all kinds of people in an organization, but I am convinced that DPS will not tolerate such behavior,”, Ramadan Atalay was categorical.