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VAS final: Stoycho Katsarov was in a conflict of interest as Minister of Health

The court's decision comes in connection with an administrative case initiated on the complaint of KPCONPI

Jul 7, 2024 15:11 119

VAS final: Stoycho Katsarov was in a conflict of interest as Minister of Health  - 1

The former acting Minister of Health Stoycho Katsarov was in a conflict of interests while he was in office. This is clear from the decision of the High Administrative Court of July 3 this year, reports "Focus".

It comes in connection with an administrative case initiated on the complaint of KPCONPI, due to the fact that in his first days as minister Stoicho Katsarov signed a draft of Ordinance number 1 for the approval of the medical standard "Clinical Laboratory". in the private interest of the "Center for the Protection of Rights in Health Care" Association associated with it.

In their reasons, KPCONPI state that this is a violation of Art. 58 of the Law on Combating Corruption and Confiscation of Illegally Acquired Property, and the sum of BGN 309.30 was taken from Katsarov in favor of the state. Due to his actions, Katsarov was fined 5,000 BGN.

According to the current legislation, persons holding public positions do not have the right to participate in the preparation of acts of private interest. In this case, Stoycho Katsarov was the chairman of the Management Board of the above-mentioned association from its creation on 12.07.2018 until 10.06.2021.

Katsarov signed the draft regulation in question on 18.05.2021, when he de facto had not yet been released from the chairmanship of the board of the association, but at the same time he was already a minister. This happened during a meeting of the leadership of the Ministry of Health held on the same date.

The decision of the court is final. Katsarov will also have to pay the sum of BGN 470 for expenses in the KPCONPI case.