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Petar Nikolov: Kiril Petkov's outstretched hand for joint management with Vazrazhdane is not a surprise

The political scientist's comment provoked the reaction of the former chairman of the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad Petar Kharalampiev

Jul 7, 2024 16:50 113

Petar Nikolov: Kiril Petkov's outstretched hand for joint management with Vazrazhdane is not a surprise  - 1

"When you refuse even management talks with GERB -SDS, which supported your government for nine months, but you say that under certain conditions you would form a coalition with Vazrazhdane, this is not a mistake in language, but a clear and definite political message. The truth is that the PP may share the European geopolitical and civilizational choice of Bulgaria, but they simply do not attach much importance to it.

This is what the political scientist Petar Nikolov writes in his Facebook profile.

And it continues:

"It has been like this from the very beginning, when President Radev made Petkov and Vassilev ministers, and it was like this when their newly created PP party supported him for a second term. The same line continued under the Petkov government, in which the PP brought in odious communist and pro-Russian figures such as Boyko Rashkov and Stefan Yanev and entered into an official coalition with the BSP, producing Kornelia Ninova as a minister. Therefore, this hidden foreign policy vector of the PP was clearly visible in every vote on the Ukrainian issues, when Asen Vasilev, together with several of his colleagues, invariably voted "against"; or “abstained”.

If we continue further - PP strengthened this line with the promotion of Vasil Terziev's candidacy for mayor of Sofia, with its coalitions in places with BSP and Vazrazhdane (including in a city like Varna), etc., etc. In this line of thought , the real reason for PP-DB to break the assembly was the reluctance of GERB-SDS to allow in the filling of the most important regulators BSP. I deliberately leave out all the scandals with Russian companies, the Lukoil derogation, etc., because I suspect that the motives there are not political, but purely corrupt.

That's it. Once it might be a mistake, the second time - a misunderstanding, the third and fourth times it's already clear that it's not a matter of chance. And therefore, the current “outstretched hand” of Kiril Petkov for joint management with Vazrazhdane is not surprising. Except, of course, the naive and not very smart DB activists. They are always felt last when the car is already in the river," writes Nikolov.

His comment provoked the reaction of the former chairman of the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad and member of VMRO Petar Haralampiev. We deliver it to you without editorial intervention: more nonsense...That he doesn't express himself clearly is a fact, but you are exaggerating...
For years you've been talking about the PPDB, but you still want to rule with them - well, draw them one, as suggested by Delyan Haskovski... and anyway, according to many of you, they are serious unmanly, liberal, tolerant, rosy gendarmes, dumb intelligent beauty and other bastards ...

Sankim, isn't the expected turnout below 29% and after the expected megalo victory with about 15%+, and the 8th attempt to form a government will be easy - with such a low turnout, you will have an absolute monolithic healthy majority with the new beginning of DPS, which is reformed, fresh, Euro-Atlantic, mega-NATO, hyper-American, purified and ultra-democratic (without the purged of the old ags and without the heavy past and heritage).

If you manage 3 consecutive full 4-year mandates, because the PPDB may not enter (according to Delyan Haskovski), Kopeikin is a bit glorifying, but you will have an opposition equal to the Uchindol proxies and that's for sure. ..

Let it bloom and bind our poor native country and we will look at it with a smile, a new life and a bright future...
But, don't forget that man guesses, but God disposes...

God protect the Bulgarians and Bulgaria!!!", writes Haralampiev.