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Vanya Grigorova: Terziev has often repeated that he is not sure that he will continue to be mayor **** PP-DB-SS pressure

PP-DB-SS pressured us not to accept reports of the chief architect, said the municipal councilor

Jul 27, 2024 01:22 85

Vanya Grigorova: Terziev has often repeated that he is not sure that he will continue to be mayor **** PP-DB-SS pressure - 1

Vasil Terziev was legitimately elected mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality. This was decided by the Administrative Court.

"We discussed it with the lawyer in the case and with Ivan Takov, most likely we will appeal. The decision of the Administrative Court cannot be the last stage of the battle for fair elections. Terziev has repeated many times that he is not sure that he will continue to be mayor in the next month. I am afraid that even after this decision he cannot be certain. Not only because we will appeal the court's decision, commented the municipal councilor from the BSP for Bulgaria. Vanya Grigorova in the studio of "The Day ON AIR".

A little earlier yesterday, the mayor of Sofia, Vasil Terziev, announced that he had accepted the resignation of the chief architect of Sofia - Zdravko Zdravkov. According to Grigorova, it is disturbing that it is happening after the court's decision was announced today.

"Zdravko Zdravkov was the chief architect under the previous administration. The most serious criticisms of the administration in the Metropolitan Municipality were regarding the reconstruction, to which there is no doubt that the chief architect had something to do with it. However, he continued to be the chief architect until now," Grigorova told Bulgaria ON AIR.

The municipal councilor stated that they have repeatedly received pressure from "We continue the change"-"Democratic Bulgaria"-"Save Sofia" (PP-DB-SS) not to accept reports of the chief architect of Sofia.

"I am afraid that the public has not noticed that when we vote his reports in a session, in quite a few cases the PP-DB-SS group speaks and agitates us not to support the report of their chief architect. Doesn't that seem strange to you? With reasonable arguments. We have often agreed with them. And why did he continue to be the chief architect for so many months?", said Grigorova.

She announced that she will not be a candidate in subsequent parliamentary elections.