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CIA and MI6: It is more important than ever that support for Ukraine continues

The call was made in an article by Burns and Moore in the Financial Times published today

Sep 7, 2024 08:51 834

CIA and MI6: It is more important than ever that support for Ukraine continues  - 1

The director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States William Burns and the head of the British intelligence service MI6 Richard Moore said that it is more important than ever that support for Ukraine continues, Reuters reported, quoted by BTA.

The appeal was made in an article published today by Burns and Moore in the "Financial Times". Reuters notes that this is the first article in history to be co-authored by the heads of the CIA and MI6.

"Partnership is central to the special relationship between our countries," the two leaders wrote, noting that two years ago the CIA and MI6 celebrated 75 years of partnership.

The two intelligence services together oppose Russia and (Russian President Vladimir) Putin's war of aggression in Ukraine, Burns and Moore's article also says.

"Staying the course (regarding Ukraine) is more important than ever. Putin will not be able to destroy the sovereignty and independence of Ukraine", the leaders wrote, emphasizing that their services will continue to help Ukrainian intelligence in the future.

Burns and Moore note that they will continue to oppose the "irresponsible campaign of sabotage across Europe by Russian intelligence" and the "cynical use of technology" for spreading disinformation from Russia.

Burns and Moore also say they have reorganized their services to adapt to the rise of China, which they describe as "the major intelligence and geopolitical challenge of the 21st century.

The CIA and MI6, their chiefs note, are using their intelligence channels to achieve containment and de-escalation in the Middle East by working towards a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.