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Petar Kichashki: The dismantling of the liberal status quo will continue to happen tirelessly

Changing the matrix of global politics in the free world

Aug 13, 2024 18:34 143

The processes of rearranging the world agenda are irreversible, regardless of what will be the outcome of the US elections. They started with Donald Trump's descent from the escalator just under a decade ago, have grown stronger in his presidency, strengthened and seen to be autonomous when he is not in power. If Trump returns to the White House, this process will be catalyzed and accelerated. But even if it doesn't come back, the dismantling of the liberal status quo will continue to happen relentlessly.

This is what he warns on "Facebook" Petar Kichashki.

The liberal agenda with its NGOs, think tanks, corporate, media and scientific influence is no longer a hegemon. They are a legitimate part of the discussion in the free world, but they are just that - a part, a fragment. They are no longer the whole spectrum, but an element of it. An important part, an influential part, a legitimate part, but they are no longer the ideological behemoth they were only ten years ago.

With our liberal cousins, we have our disputes as people who are part of the free world. We moderates and conservatives are no longer a peripheral part of the great conversation, we are an equal participant in it. Besides, in this conversation about the future of freedom, the various authoritarian regimes have no place. We can argue with our liberal friends because we are part of the free world. Authoritarians are not. But that's another topic.

In this context - changing the matrix of global politics in the free world - the acquisition by Prof. Borislav Tsekov and my grace of "Gallup International Balkan" is placed. "Gallup" is an institution and will remain so. Business and life has taught me that if something works well, it shouldn't change. Therefore, sociology in the agency will remain, as it has always been, an independent and important pillar in the work of Gallup. Our task is, in the above context, to further develop "Gallup" and for it to grow into a research center that would respond to the ideologically changed geopolitical conditions that were being constructed around President Trump.

And as The Donald would say - the best is yet to come!