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The parachutists who landed on a car in Chernivtsi fell at over 150 km per hour

One has a broken leg, pelvis and ribs

Aug 27, 2024 05:45 130

The parachutists who landed on a car in Chernivtsi fell at over 150 km per hour  - 1

The parachutist and his instructor who landed on a car yesterday in the Ikhtiman village of Chernevo, are in hospital, but their lives are not in danger, BNT reported.

The incident happened yesterday at noon, and the people of the village say that such hard landings are not rare. From the airport to the village and the skydiving center declined to comment.

In less than 4 seconds, the parachute travels the last 150 meters before the instructor and the parachutist crash into the front of a car parked on the side of the road in Chernevo.

"Exactly 1 and 15. So loud noise was heard. Stupid!" said witness Veska Yareva.

"Great rumble, like a bang in my car. We went out and saw two people who had fallen on the car of my guests with a parachute", said the eyewitness Kiril Dimitrov.

He and his guests discover that the fallen are a parachutist and an instructor. The two were injured, they immediately called an ambulance.

"The police came because it is a bit difficult in Ikhtiman with the ambulances, one ambulance. The ambulance didn't come for maybe an hour or more, the police came," said Kiril Dimitrov.

The plane with the parachutist and his instructor flew from the airport to the village, and the two jumped from a height of 3000 meters with 30 seconds of free fall and parachute opening. As a rule, they should land in the airport area, not outside it.

Yesterday, the airport refused to comment, specifying only that it was not a fall, but a landing. However, according to preliminary calculations of the investigators, the landing in question was more than 150 km away. h.

The parachute and its cords become entangled in the crown of a walnut tree, and this significantly kills the speed with which the two men hit the car parked under the tree. The parachutist has a broken leg, pelvis and ribs.

"As far as I understood from the police, he turned 26 yesterday and this was his birthday present, a parachute jump," said Kiril Dimitrov.

The instructor has a broken leg. It has 1000 jumps and yesterday was the first time it worked at this airport. According to the people of Chernevo, incidents similar to this one are not rare. Eyewitnesses recall that they happened maybe 7-8 times this year.

People also say that more than 15 parachutes were collected from the ravine to the village just last year. They also claim that on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays flights with airplanes, hang gliders and gyrocopters are constant.