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Borisov: The natural partners are those who were in the assembly plus BSP and ITN

For years, every question from the media was like denying the devil about machine voting - hysteria! Now why isn't anyone asking? Because the record with "ala-balata" expired

Sep 11, 2024 09:52 116

Borisov: The natural partners are those who were in the assembly plus BSP and ITN  - 1

I was provoked by the reports from the registrations of the political parties. The same is said by the second, third, etc. In my opinion, it is fair to tell the people what will be done after the elections, and not to deceive the Bulgarians and then behave like majority-elected parties. This was stated by the GERB leader Boyko Borisov to the media in the parliament.

In the democratic principle there are negotiations and coalitions for a government. Up to this point, we have spent over BGN 1 billion just for elections, and the political parties do not give decisions when they are over.

Let us not participate in these elections with impossible coalitions. If they don't like a "gentlemen's agreement", let them come up with the "clever" another word, he also said.

For years, every question from the media was like devil-may-care about machine voting - hysteria! Now why isn't anyone asking? Because the recording with "ala-balata" has expired, added Borisov, quoted by

If we have to make the elections more interesting, let's use majority vote, there is a Greek system - let's use it. Let's go with a decision for after the elections, urged the GERB leader.

The natural partners are those who were in the assembly plus BSP and ITN, said Borisov.

Let's let the DPS register and see these 20 from one and 20 from the other MPs, but they are not of decisive importance for the formation of a cabinet, concluded Boyko Borisov.

"We ritually cut off our heads if there is no government."

"PP went to commit crimes against Ekaterina Zaharieva after they were put in second place with their candidate, this is not offensive, but that's why I called them that,

I conceded everything to the PP, they did not concede for the interior minister, now President Radev has appointed himself an interior minister, said the leader of GERB.

Now everyone is very angry that GERB is a monolithic party, Boyko Borisov was categorical.