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New rules for obtaining a driver's license come into force

Among the most important new provisions is the introduction of a limit on how many times a person can take the test

Sep 11, 2024 10:00 118

New rules for obtaining a driver's license come into force  - 1

Serious changes in the training and conduct of driving tests were published in the State Gazette yesterday. Some of them, which concern the centers for conducting such training, enter into force after five months. Those that directly affect the candidate drivers are introduced after three months, i.e. after December 10, it says "Now".

Among the most important new provisions is the introduction of a limit on how many times a person can take an exam. Now, in practice, there were no restrictions, and the only condition is to take additional hours before re-appearing, and if six months have passed in the meantime, to take a new internal exam, which is, however, often a formality. From December, the conditions will be quite different, and the price of a failed exam - much saltier.

The candidate will have the right to appear for a theoretical examination no more than four times within six months of his registration as a graduate of theoretical training in the information system. If he fails to successfully take the so-called leaflets, will be able to take a new exam after passing new theoretical training. Lately, it's common for applicants to prepare leaflets themselves, so this requirement remains relatively formal. However, this cannot be said about the new requirements for those who have failed the practical exam.

And here a restriction is introduced that the candidate can take a practical exam no more than four times within six months, with the term starting from the successful passing of the theoretical exam or from being entered into the system as having completed practical training. In case of failure to appear or pass a practical exam within the specified period, the candidate may appear for a new practical exam after passing a new practical training, according to the new rules. This means that if in four attempts a person fails to get a certificate, he will have to pay practically the entire cost of the course again to take the fifth time.

The proposals aim to admit prepared candidates who have acquired the necessary knowledge, skills and behavior required to drive a motor vehicle to a theoretical or practical exam, motivated the project's authors from the Ministry of Transport. Applicants for acquiring the legal capacity to drive a motor vehicle, who started training before the entry into force of this regulation, are tested according to the previous order, i.e. those enrolled in courses until December 10 will not be affected by the changes.

There are also some relaxations in the requirements for training courses. Internal exams with the instructor/center before the official exams are cancelled. The diploma will not be presented at the start of the course, but when the certificate is issued. Now the candidate carried a copy of his instructor's diploma at the beginning of the course and then at the issuance of the certificate, which, according to the authors of the changes, unnecessarily burdened people. If a license is revoked due to insufficient points, a certificate of psychological fitness will not be presented when appearing for a new course, and the reference will be made officially.

There is a curious change regarding the practical exam records. Now they are kept for three months after the exam, and in future the period will be extended to two years. The purpose of the proposal is to provide an opportunity to review the video recordings of the test of the person responsible for the accident in the event of a traffic accident involving a driver with less than 2 years of experience. Thus, the commission for official investigation of such accidents will be able to identify measures to limit them, the petitioners point out.

There is also an important change for the training centers and instructors themselves. The documents related to the course - study diary, study card and list of candidates will have to be kept in electronic form, but for this purpose the functionalities of the information system will first have to be improved.