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On January 16, the new chief prosecutor of Bulgaria will be elected

January 8, 2025 is the deadline for submission of opinions and questions to the candidates

Sep 12, 2024 12:21 64

On January 16, the new chief prosecutor of Bulgaria will be elected  - 1

At the proposal of the prosecutor's collegium, the Supreme Judicial Council made a final decision to resume the procedure for selecting the chief prosecutor.

On September 9, unanimously and without any discussion and debate, with 7 votes "for" the procurator's collegium of the SJC decided to resume the procedure, but in order for the decision to be final it had to be taken by the plenum.

The election of a new prosecutor number 1 will be on January 16, 2026.

Here's what's coming:

On September 19 and 26, as well as on October 3 and 10, the four hearings for proposals for candidates for the new Attorney General will be held.

Until October 24, applicants have a deadline to submit a concept and documents.

By November 26, the attestation and professional ethics commissions should accept reports on the professional and moral qualities of the candidates.

On December 5, the SJC plenum must announce the date, time and place for the hearing of the candidates.

January 8, 2025 is the deadline for submission of opinions and questions to the candidates.

On January 16, a hearing and voting of the candidates should be held.

Since last June, Borislav Sarafov has been the acting prosecutor No. 1. He took over the leadership of the prosecutor's office amid the early termination of Ivan Geshev's mandate.

Geshev attacked in the Constitutional Court the legislative changes that overthrew the majority for the election and release of the so-called three majors in the judiciary by 17 to 13 votes.