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A sociologist prays for surprises in the elections

Vasil Tonchev is worried about political life

Sep 17, 2024 20:12 54

A sociologist prays for surprises in the elections  - 1

I hope there will be some surprises in the elections, because otherwise things don't look optimistic. People do not believe that something will change, there is no enthusiasm among them. In the previous elections, voter turnout dropped dramatically, now we expect it to drop even more, which will reduce the legitimacy of the elections.

This was explained in an interview for the program “Denyat live“ on NOVA NEWS the sociologist from “Sova Harris“ Vasil Tonchev.

According to him, it is possible that a total of 10 parties will enter the next parliament, which would further complicate the creation of a stable majority and the establishment of a regular government.

„In the 1990s, it was easy to predict because there was a bipolar model, there were two parties, and now at least 10 parties have a chance to enter the parliament,” Tonchev pointed out.

The sociologist expressed the opinion that it will be incredibly difficult for Boyko Borisov to form a cabinet if he wins the elections.

Borisov's task will be very difficult if he wins the elections. If he fails to produce a government this time as well, it will have an electoral impact on the party – when you win elections and cannot form a government, then the voter starts looking for alternatives, commented Tonchev.

According to him, however, the GERB leader will make an effort to form a cabinet, even if this means the emergence of a new “assembly”.

„Until something radical changes – we will continue to go to elections", he also predicted.

To a final question about what he thinks about Ekaterina Zaharieva's department, Tonchev answered that it is a department from which Bulgaria can only gain and give a boost to its economy.

This is one area from which Bulgaria can gain a lot. This could give us a big boost in the economy. Unfortunately, “friendly fire“ from the Bulgarian MEPs. But she is a very experienced politician and I believe she will be able to handle the situation, concluded the sociologist.