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At the insistence of the BSP, the SOS gave half a million to Sofekostroy, instead of private companies to clean graffiti

Our goal is to return as many of the activities in the city as possible to the municipal companies, said the chairman of the BSP - Sofia Ivan Takov

Sep 12, 2024 18:07 80

At the insistence of the BSP, the SOS gave half a million to Sofekostroy, instead of private companies to clean graffiti - 1

The municipal company "Sofekostroy" EAD will receive half a million BGN to improve the urban environment by cleaning graffiti from public places and objects, as well as to purchase equipment for this purpose.

This was decided by the SOS at the insistence of the municipal councilors from the Local Coalition group "BSP for Bulgaria". in today's first session of the season. The funds are from the deductions that the landfill owner pays for each ton of trash deposited.

In the voting report submitted by Deputy Mayor Nadezhda Bobcheva, the contractor who would receive the funds and carry out the activity was not explicitly named. This fact suggested that a tender would be announced and a private company would win the execution of the order, given that there is a municipal company "Sofekostroy" EAD, whose scope of activity also includes the one mentioned in the report.

During the debates in the hall, the chairman of the BSP - Sofia and the group of the Local Coalition "BSP for Bulgaria" Ivan Takov insisted that in the point of the decisions, it should be explicitly written that half a million BGN will be provided precisely to "Sofekostroy" EAD for graffiti cleaning and for the purchase of equipment for this purpose.

"This was the condition under which we could support the report, comments Ivan Takov. - We are all aware of the attitude towards the municipal companies by both the previous and the current rulers of the Capital Municipality. They constantly ignore them at the expense of private companies, even though municipal enterprises perform the activities at significantly lower prices. Our understanding and goal is to return as many of the activities in the city to the municipal companies as possible. Not just to keep them, but to expand their activities and create new ones".

Ivan Takov recalled that during the election campaign last year, the main priority in the manifesto of the Local Coalition "BSP for Bulgaria" was precisely the stabilization and development of the municipal economy by stopping the privatization of municipal property and management of basic communal services by municipal companies and enterprises.

"I am glad that the colleagues from the other political groups in the Capital City Council agreed with our proposal in connection with the report on the expenditure of funds from deductions accumulated by the Capital City Municipality under Art. 64 of the ZUO, he said. - I accept their support today as a good sign for the next proposals that we will make in the direction of the development of municipal companies and the implementation of all communal activities on the territory of the Capital Municipality by municipal companies and enterprises.

The chairman of BSP - Sofia called for priority in the cleaning to be the facades of the schools, after it became clear that the graffiti will first be erased in four subways - near the National Palace of Culture, on "Bulgaria" Blvd., on "Orlov" Blvd. bridge" and at "Poduyane" station. "Many of the school facades have graffiti with fascist symbols and political messages, which should be removed as soon as possible," he said. - It is even mandatory that they start from the facade of the 104th primary school "Zahari Stoyanov", which was scratched on the eve of September 9.