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Toshko Yordanov: PP-DB are trying to wash themselves off from Peevski

To take the gentlemen's agreements and take them to the closet, he thinks

Sep 15, 2024 13:42 86

Toshko Yordanov: PP-DB are trying to wash themselves off from Peevski  - 1

"We have seen their gentlemen's agreements. The lying gentlemen from GERB, DPS and PP-DB played with each other and actually destroyed the Constitution, brought the country into chaos and increased the national debt, I think to 40 billion. These gentlemen's agreements to take them and take them somewhere further inland in the closet".

This is what the chairman of the parliamentary group of "There is such a people" urged before the BNR. Toshko Yordanov.

According to him, the economy is not doing well precisely because of their gentleman's agreement.

"GERB experts in the financial sphere are right-wing. I know what they said, I know how they voted on the first reading of the budget. Someone called them on the phone and made them vote back. Their gentlemen's agreement resulted in a left-wing budget of Asen Vasilev being voted in the chamber, which increased the national debt. Inflation is 33% in 3 years because of his budgets. The real increase in the prices of products and services that people use is certain to be 40-45%," the politician warned.

In his words, part of the anti-corruption laws were included in the Plan for Recovery and Sustainability "completely criminally" compared to the Bulgarian economy.

"You are inserting political laws into a plan that guarantees money to the state for economic recovery. /.../ In this plan, there should have been proposals on how to use this money for the development of production and for the creation of jobs, for the recovery of the economy, and not for anti-corruption laws. Bringing the anti-corruption laws in - Asen and Kiril did it because they thought they would rule for a long time and thus bring in their own people, because Kiril literally said to himself "I need KONPI as a bat". Now it's boomeranging back. Kiril Petkov suffered that the rest of the repressive bodies were in the hands of GERB and DPS, and said "I need one,", Toshko Yordanov specified.

He thinks that if there were only economic measures in the plan, we would be able to take the money.

Furthermore he asked: "These laws how long were they in the assembly and they did not try them? Where were PP-DB - they ruled for 9 months?".

"From our point of view there is no problem. These things will only be accepted on paper and they will not trigger now or until the elections", commented the chairman of the PG on ITN. According to him, there is no problem in adopting the rules, but it is important who the people will be.

"This will certainly not happen in this parliament. Whether these rules are adopted now or later, the effect will be the same," he believes.

PP-DB ruled with GERB and DPS, they suppressed these laws, they did not accept the rules, he emphasized. According to him, some of the laws proposed by PP-DB are "disgusting" and will have to be redone. "I don't see, if they enter the hall, how they will pass in 1 week, and they need serious repair," noted Yordanov. According to him, their hypocrisy is also "disgusting".

In his words, PP-DB are trying to wash themselves away from Peevski.

In the show "Sunday 150" Toshko Yordanov called on Academician Nikolay Denkov to say when, in what format and if there are any witnesses who could confirm that ITN proposed in the third term that a person from ITN should stand at the head of the proposed expert cabinet and tell him the name. We have not held talks about the prime minister and ministers at all, he was categorical and declared that this was a "base lie". The chairman of the PG of ITN reminded that their wish was that the future prime minister would be acceptable to everyone.

According to him, party prime ministers are not useful in this situation, because there is no party with such a majority that it can govern alone.

Toshko Yordanov also commented on the rift in the DPS. "Neither Mrs. Neikova (note ed. Chair of the CEC Kamelia Neikova) called me to ask me what to do, nor did any of us call her to tell her what to do,", he was categorical.

"We are choosing a professional - Mrs. Neikova, and she bears the responsibility for the decisions," Toshko Yordanov pointed out.