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National Assembly discusses postponing the new Garbage fee

Deputies gather at an extraordinary meeting

Sep 17, 2024 06:32 60

National Assembly discusses postponing the new Garbage fee  - 1

At an extraordinary meeting today, the Parliament will discuss whether to postpone for 1 year the new methodology for determining the garbage fee, reported BNR. If the proposal is accepted, instead of January 1, 2025, it will come into force on January 1, 2026. The MPs' program also includes two ministerial hearings.

The proposal to postpone for a year the new mechanism for forming the fee for household waste was made by GERB-SDS. When introducing the changes to the Law on Local Taxes and Fees, GERB announced that otherwise, from next year, the fee could jump from 3 to 10 times in different municipalities, which would be a financial risk for them and a financial burden for citizens. In the reasons of the petitioners, it is written that the new methodology should happen gradually over time, so that the local administrations can set up their systems for its implementation, prepare for conducting an explanatory campaign among the population and have an objective database for a fair calculation of household waste fee.

Two hearings are also included in the extraordinary meeting of the National Assembly. At the request of GERB-SDS, the ministers of finance and energy will be heard about the actions of the cabinet in relation to the changes in the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability. Four ministers - of transport, of finance, of internal affairs and of regional development, will answer questions about the difficulties when crossing our borders with Greece, Turkey and Romania and the initiative of Greece and Turkey to find an alternative transport corridor to bypass Bulgaria . The petitioners of this hearing request are from the BSP.