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Radev and the German ambassador discussed the possibilities for deepening economic cooperation

Annual trade between Bulgaria and Germany is equal to 12 billion euros

Sep 19, 2024 05:02 49

Radev and the German ambassador discussed the possibilities for deepening economic cooperation  - 1

Possibilities for deepening the economic and investment cooperation between Bulgaria and the Federal Republic of Germany were discussed at a meeting in the presidential institution today by the head of state Rumen Radev and the German ambassador to our country Irene Plank, reported. p>

The focus of the conversation was also the challenges facing the European economy, the consequences of military conflicts in regions neighboring Europe, interrupted supply chains and others.

President Radev emphasized that Germany is a key economic partner for our country, and an indicator of the interest of German business in Bulgaria is the increasing bilateral trade, which is equal to 12 billion euros per year. The general position was that business in Europe expects a more predictable environment, as well as secure supplies of energy resources at affordable prices and sustainable energy, on which the competitiveness of European economies depends in the long term. The favorable investment environment in Bulgaria was highlighted, as well as the key geographical location of our country.

President Radev highlighted our country's interest in increasing German investment in industrial production, which strengthens the stability of the Bulgarian economy and promotes technology transfer, and expressed Bulgaria's readiness to encourage German business representatives in this direction. For his part, Ambassador Plank emphasized that despite the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the consequences of military conflicts near the EU and the energy transformation towards a carbon-neutral economy, Germany retains its high economic and investment potential, including thanks to the energy transformation.