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Prof. Palangurski: The main reason for the lack of a regular government is political fear

Society must decide whether it will control its politicians, if it does not control them - they will offer bribes, the historian believes

Sep 21, 2024 07:33 48

Prof. Palangurski: The main reason for the lack of a regular government is political fear  - 1

"In historical and contemporary terms, Bulgarian society has a tradition of listening to what is happening around us, due to the lack of the idea that we can completely cover our own affairs. And this, the more time passes after the Liberation, it increases.“

Professor Milko Palangurski told bTV, quoted by FOCUS.

According to him, it is no accident that we have changed our main allies at least four times.

"The number of figures who believe that we Bulgarians must fully comply with our main goals and tasks towards a certain type of country is increasing. It is no coincidence that we have changed our main allies at least four times and always end up the same way. I hope this time it won't be like that”, he specified.

According to the professor, Bulgaria is always looking for patrons from outside.

"Lack of faith in one's own powers is something that arises as early as the constituent assembly. Because we were created after a war between great powers and part of the Bulgarian elite is afraid that it does not have the strength to lead the country alone and is looking for support from outside. Originally it was the Russian Empire. We always start a new cycle – we are looking for some patrons“, added Prof. Palangurski.

He believes that no country exists in a complete lack of contact with the outside world, but it should not be overdone.

"No country, no nation exists in a complete lack of contact. But we should not overdo it, because in the end the results become identical. This is where the people stop trusting politicians. Because when you explain that something depends on some external factor, people think that there is no reason to invest their energy. Refusal to vote is something like that”, Milko Palangurski also said.

"Society must decide whether it will control its political organizations. If he doesn't control them – they will offer bribes. In the middle of the 19th century, we form the generation of the revivalists, who in less than 20 years make an educational system, a revolution and a Constitution, and 30 years later the oldest triumph with Independence. Once these people can face all the great powers, that means it can, he added.

In his words, Bulgarian politicians should understand that parties are created to govern, even in opposition.

"They should just sit down and realize what is in front of the state. It is about reaching the parameters of a central European country. This is a wonderful goal. They must say "yes, we will manage”. There are indeed parties that should not be touched. But a way must be found”, the professor specified.

He believes that the main reason for the lack of a regular government is political fear.

"You can't be afraid to rule once you've said you have a program to rule. Historically, even figures like Stambolov and Stamboliyski ended tragically. A dance was performed at Stambolov's grave. But he knew how it would end. Our politicians should know that all governance depreciates. "Fear must disappear," added Milko Palangurski.