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PP-DB registers its list for 23 MIR Sofia: We play for first place

After all the spells, here we are - we appear side by side, united, with a clear vision that we will work for the future. For young people, for young families, for health care, for the future

Sep 24, 2024 16:10 50

PP-DB registers its list for 23 MIR Sofia: We play for first place  - 1

After all the spells, here – we appear side by side, united, with a clear vision that we will work for the future. For young people, for young families, for healthcare, for the future. All other parties have focused on the past – we want Bulgaria to go into the future in the most meaningful way. This was stated by the co-chairman of “We continue the change” Kiril Petkov, after the coalition “We continue the change“-“Democratic Bulgaria“ registered the lists for 23 MIR in Sofia.

„We got a lot of new people on the lists from the civic groups – Krasimira Velichkova, for example, civil activist. We have from the various ethnicities – in Kardzhali will be Sabakhtin Gokce from the Turkish ethnicity, as well as Ohanes Panikyan from the Armenian ethnicity. The coalition aims to cover as many citizens and their interests as possible with a vision for the future, he added.

Petkov was categorical: “We always play for first place.“

When asked why the leaders of the other two parties in the coalition do not have a leading place in the lists, Atanas Atanasov emphasized: “There is no intention in this. In the last election and the one before that, I was second in my district. It is more important to fight to change Bulgaria and give it a future. We have a plan for this and we hope the Bulgarians will support it. There are extremely many challenges in the country that await a solution.“

He also commented on the decision of the Constitutional Court, which declared unconstitutional the decision of the National Assembly to prematurely terminate the mandate of the manager of the National Health Insurance Fund Stanimir Mihailov: “This is a very striking example of how lawlessness is acted in Bulgaria. This was the reason why Rosen Zhelyazkov vacated the chairmanship of the National Assembly.“

Bozhidar Bojanov added: “Our lists are strong and will contribute to our goal – the return of as many voters as possible.“