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Associate Professor Nikolay Dimitrov: Only Borisov said with whom he would govern and divided several parties

We are in a state of mass society that needs to be soldered, the social psychologist believes

Sep 28, 2024 07:45 33

Associate Professor Nikolay Dimitrov: Only Borisov said with whom he would govern and divided several parties  - 1

The election campaign officially started, but it had never finished for the past three years. We are in a state of so-called a mass society that needs a solder and that solder is the media, they make it so that people talk to each other and have the same information with each other. The Bulgarian media rarely allow themselves to pay attention to the journalistic, analytical and critical part of journalism. They owe it to society, because uncritical coverage and reporting of what happened can be detrimental to the electoral process and voter turnout.

This is what he told “Focus" the social psychologist Assoc. Nikolay Dimitrov.

"The majority of politicians enter the election campaign with the attitude that this will be the next, by no means the last, election that we will have in the nearest time horizon. They don't bother to produce a quality campaign product. Within this month we will see a re-warming of old manjis and more of the same. A key ingredient missing from this manja is audience interest. They and I are like hopped dishes, they serve us this dish that we have ordered. On the other hand, however, we cannot order anything different from what only they can do. Things cannot change unless one of the two sides takes the initiative to change things. With the politicians we have at our disposal, there is no way that changes will happen", noted Associate Professor Nikolay Dimitrov.

The role of sociology in Bulgaria and to what extent it plays a key and essential role in the formation of society's attitudes

“With fellow sociologists, we work in close fields and use the same phonetic apparatus and methodologies. I will allow myself to be skeptical about the data we are currently seeing because it is very fresh. And being national, they miss one very important factor in the parliamentary elections, and that is the votes from abroad. The votes that will come from abroad will change the picture presented to us by sociologists in the first days of the election campaign. Social psychology accurately explains attitude as readiness to act, but readiness to act does not mean actually performing the action in the future. "The national sample cannot be accurate for the final results that would happen," Assoc. Prof. Nikolay Dimitrov stressed.

According to him, only Boyko Borisov has stated specific and clear positions on who he wants to govern with whom: "He managed to make several requests, with which he quarreled with several parties, even within themselves, such as the BSP, for example. He stated that he is open to talks and coalitions after the elections. The question is how open others will be to having such conversations. For some of the parties, such talks would be disastrous and would certainly eat away even more from the percentages and from the support they have in the society", noted Associate Professor Nikolay Dimitrov.