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A drunk man threatened patients and doctors with a knife in Pirogov

This is what an eyewitness told on social networks

Sep 29, 2024 06:56 28

A drunk man threatened patients and doctors with a knife in Pirogov  - 1

A man threatened patients and doctors with a knife in "Pirogov". An eyewitness told about this on social networks. FOCUS I publish its text without editorial intervention:

"Walking around UMBALSM "N. I. Pirogov" with a knife and threatening patients and doctors is perfectly normal according to hospital security. I found this out today when I ended up in the ER with an injury to one of the fingers on my right hand.

At one point, a friend of a patient with a palm injury appeared in front of the traumatology department, who, like me and the rest of the people, was waiting for his turn.

The friend in question, a large and complete fool, was visibly intoxicated. I don't care if he was drinking or on drugs, although I think it was a combination of the two. He took umbrage at his friend's waiting too long, knocked loudly on the office door, was opened and told it was his turn. All the time you keep ranting about what he's going to do to them all.

He was constantly talking nonsense to people who passed by, whether they were patients or medical staff. Then he started talking to a doctor. He asked her if she wanted to show her his knife. He was aggressive. The woman motioned for the guards to come. A policeman appeared, warned the dangalak and left.

The Dangalak actually had a knife, with a blade of perhaps fifteen to twenty centimeters, which he carried under the top of the overalls he was wearing. He continued to verbally attack those around him, including me for "pedaling“ my pink pants and the "arabic“ my beard Apparently, he would be happy at some provocation.

We called security again, this time explaining how the dangalak was threatening and insulting people. This time they reacted and took him somewhere.

As we were leaving, however, we noticed that they had simply moved it in front of the front desk. There will be no consequences for him for threatening medical personnel with a melee weapon. And apparently no meaningful measures were taken, they just told themselves it wasn't causing too much trouble now. As we passed by him, he naturally continued to curse and threaten me.

The lesson for this man is that he can walk into a hospital with a knife on his belt, threaten people, and be left at the register to wait for his friend.

This is the problem with impunity in Bulgaria. And here, only judicial reform will not help us, because non-working institutions and twenty judicial reforms are not enough. No. As long as Pirogov's security, which includes police officers, does not respond adequately and does not send such individuals to the detention center or the sobering up, they will increasingly squeal. And we will feel that their behavior is encouraged. Because it is really encouraged.

Usually this is followed by police explanations that there is nothing they can do because the system ties their hands. At the same time, we are the country in the EU that allocates the most of its budget to the police. The result is knives and insults in hospitals. And reluctance to react on the part of the police.

All the time I was imagining how I was in the States, where they gave this guy an electric shock and directly put handcuffs on him. But it wouldn't be. I live in a country where the police try to get along with such people nicely "so we don't get into trouble" and leave them aggressive and armed among other people without thinking that in a few seconds someone could be seriously hurt and become a big foul.

Other than that, I thank the doctors from Pirogov, who gave me the necessary attention and gave their best!!! I hope they don't get into a fight with this careless guard sometime.
