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Ivan Takov: Without a strong left party, every country is broken

The chairman of the BSP - Sofia noted that in 35 years the entire economy and industry of Bulgaria was destroyed

Oct 22, 2024 14:06 40

Ivan Takov: Without a strong left party, every country is broken  - 1

Without a strong left party, every country is broken. This was stated by Ivan Takov, chairman of the City Organization of the BSP in Sofia. According to him, the left and the right in politics should not be blurred. "In recent years, not only in Bulgaria, but also in Europe and the USA, non-systemic players have appeared en masse on the political field. And the systemic began to use non-systemic tools and manifestations. Their representatives say what people want to hear, he commented. - And for me, it is important not only what, but also whom a party protects. A year ago, in the campaign for the local elections, we declared that we represent and protect the interests of working people in Sofia. The citizens understood it and voted their trust in us. And then in the Metropolitan Municipal Council we show it with our actions".

The chairman of BSP - Sofia noted that in 35 years the entire economy and industry of Bulgaria was destroyed. "This is the stolen work of 3 generations of Bulgarians. The beheading of monuments today is the metaphor for the beheading of Bulgaria. I say this with pathos, because everyone has relatives, friends, acquaintances in their family who worked in these enterprises or built them. That's why we categorically say: 35 years is enough! Another Bulgaria is possible. It will be very sad if in another 25 years our children are forced to say the same thing!".

Ivan Takov recalled that more than half a year ago, during the creation of the intra-party ideological movement "Buzludzha" he drew the path for the BSP's exit from the crisis. "By this time, the confrontation with the then party leadership had become intolerable. Internal party dialogue was suppressed. During the establishment of the "Buzludzha" Movement I said that the party needs new faces and new ideas. In the campaign for the upcoming early parliamentary elections, we have both. The leaders of two of the three metropolitan multi-mandate constituencies are new faces. Gabriel Valkov, who is the chairman of the Youth Union in the BSP, is the leader of the 23rd MIR, and Atanas Atanasov - of the 24th. We also have a platform where we show people how another Bulgaria is possible. This step that we are currently taking with the new faces is the first and it is absolutely necessary to start restoring the trust of our voters. I know it won't happen overnight. I am aware that we cannot bring in new young people now, no matter how good they are, and suddenly the BSP becomes the first political force again. But our goal from now on is for the new generation of socialists to return the party to the place it deserves, namely - a major political factor in the state".

The leader of the capital organization of the socialists added that the strength of the BSP was precisely in the collective beginning. "The BSP cannot and should not be managed in a leadership style, Ivan Takov is categorical. - Our party has always been distinguished by the fact that when one leaves, there is someone to come in his place and it continues to be strong. In the last 6-7 years, BSP has become so much easier because one person decided that he can be the whole party by himself.

Ivan Takov noted that the question of who should become the chairman of the BSP is extremely important. "The next president must be a unifier. He must first fully restore the dialogue within the party, which is very important. Then to proceed with bold steps towards the unification of the entire left space in the country. This will be apostolic work, he commented. - To achieve this, this person must be dialogic, be balanced, be a charming leader so that people follow him. And here we are not only talking about our party asset - about the members and sympathizers. And for all Bulgarian citizens. Because with a million and more votes for the BSP, as many as voted for the party 7-8 years ago, we are talking about all kinds of people who believed in the leader of the party and his policies".