It will certainly be very difficult to make all the balances from now on. Each of the parties is aware that they have to make heavy compromises in order to work together. This was said in an interview with BNR by Denitsa Sacheva from GERB-SDF about the governance formula of the regular cabinet.
The parties that form the joint government have extremely many differences – both ideologically and in their views on what is useful for the state, she explained and cited healthcare, education, economic and tax policy as examples.
In her words, the structure of the current government is "extremely difficult, complex and fragile".
Work is being done on a management and legislative program, Sacheva assured.
At the first meeting of the Council for Joint Governance, the committees in the parliament were given priority. At the next meeting, personnel issues will be resolved, she explained, when asked why deputy ministers and regional governors were not appointed, as requested.
The state of the state budget is critical, Denitsa Sacheva also stated. According to her, "difficult talks are yet to come".
There is a risk that our country will not receive the second tranche of the PVA, Sacheva admits.
The goal is to have a longer-working parliament and a longer period of stability in the country, Sacheva summarized the tasks facing the government.