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Boom of counterfeit money

The total value of banknotes in circulation as of August 31 is BGN 29,611,675,705. At the end of July, their value was BGN 29,168,696,605

Sep 17, 2024 13:38 93

 Boom of counterfeit money  - 1

The number of counterfeit banknotes registered and detained in the second quarter of the year was 397. In the first quarter of the year, there were 225 counterfeit banknotes, according to statistics of the banknotes and coins in circulation of the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB).

The most fake banknotes are with a denomination of 100 BGN - 230 in the second quarter of the year. For comparison, in the first three months of 2024, they were a total of 50.

There were 74 counterfeit banknotes of BGN 20 each, and their number decreased compared to the first quarter, when they were 83.

False banknotes that were found in the second quarter of 10 BGN each were 10, and in the first quarter their number was 14.

As of August 31, there were 605,354,831 banknotes in circulation. Their number is growing compared to the previous month, and as of July 31, there were 597,617,338 banknotes.

141,196,101 are the 100 BGN banknotes at the end of August. 250,635,495 are those of BGN 50 each. 99,298,546 are 20 BGN each. 80,639,298 are BGN 10 each. 33,585,391 are five leva each.

The total value of banknotes in circulation as of August 31 is BGN 29,611,675,705. At the end of July, their value was BGN 29,168,696,605.

The largest value is the banknotes in circulation with a nominal value of 100 BGN - a total of BGN 14,119,610,100 as of August 31.

The value of the 50 BGN banknotes is BGN 12,531,774,750. The 20 BGN bills are BGN 1,985,970,920, the BGN 10 bills are BGN 806,392,980 and the BGN 5 bills are BGN 167,926,955.

The total number of coins in circulation as of August 31 is 3,306,379,902.

919 151 080 are the coins of one cent, 854 229 782 are those of two cents, 373 188 504 are the coins of five cents, those of 10 cents are 387 497 762, of 20 centinos are 324,474,168, those smaller than 50 centinos are 156,171,534. The one-lev coins in circulation are 196,683,207, and the two-lev coins are 94,983,865.

The total value of coins in circulation at the end of August is BGN 613,316,845.

The value of the two BGN coins is BGN 189,967,730. For those, one lev is 196,683,207 leva. The value of the 50 cent coins is BGN 78,085,767, the 20 cent coins are BGN 64,894,834, the 10 cent coins are BGN 38,749,776, the five coins are BGN 18,659,425, the two coins are BGN 17,084,596 and the value of the one-cent coins is BGN 9,191,511.

In the second quarter of the year, 22 counterfeit coins were detected, and their number in the first quarter was 33.

Eight of the fake coins were with a denomination of two levs, four with a denomination of one lev and 10 with a value of 50 cents.