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A man who died in a casino resurrected and decided to collect his winnings

The man suffered a heart attack after his luck and was pronounced dead

Jun 28, 2024 11:12 107

In Singapore, a man who hit the jackpot in a casino and fell dead, mowed down by a heart attack, turned out to be alive and decided to take his multi-million winnings, writes The Sun.

The player tried his luck at the Marina Bay Sands casino when he won four million Singapore dollars (over BGN 5 million). The lucky man was so excited with joy that he had a heart attack. The casino employees and the arriving doctors tried to help him, but were unable to revive the man. However, later it turned out that this was not the case: the player still managed to be saved. Now the man is recovering from the experience in the hospital. As soon as they write him off, he'll go get the money he's won.

Earlier it was reported that in Zimbabwe a priest was kicked out of a casino after winning the equivalent of 30 thousand US dollars. The man explained his gains with God's help.