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Why do we see strange colored spots in front of our eyes

The main reason is the mechanical stimulation of the eyelids

Jun 28, 2024 14:39 61

Therapist Sermed Mezher stated that children and teenagers often see strange figures or spots in front of their eyes. He revealed the reason for the appearance of these bright flashes to the Daily Mirror.

According to Mezher, 75% of people have seen colorful figures at least once when they close their eyes. He specified that, as a rule, this is not dangerous, but the reason for their appearance is not exactly known. According to him, there are several hypotheses on this issue.

„The first is direct mechanical stimulation. That is, as a result of friction or pressure on the eyelids, the cells that respond to light inside the retina are stimulated. In this way, we see different colors and shapes”, Mezher explained.

Additionally, strange color forms may appear before the eyes as a result of exposure to photon radiation or magnetic fields. According to the therapist, such flashes of color are usually observed in children and adolescents, they are rare in adults.