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A report against "Games of the Will" triggered an inspection near Shabla

No dunes or protected plants were destroyed on the beach near Durankulak

Jun 30, 2024 06:09 59

A report against "Games of the Will" triggered an inspection near Shabla  - 1

On June 26, the Regional Environment and Water Inspection (RIOSV) - Varna reported violations of environmental legislation by the team of the TV show "Games of Will" on the territory of Shabla Municipality, reported FOCUS.

During the field inspection, no damage was found to sand dunes, as well as felling of trees and destruction of protected species of plants and animals, reports the inspection. In the area of the sites – subject of the games, no unregulated waste pollution was detected. Chemical toilets are located on the sites. No fires were found on and around the sites. No violations of the regimes of protected areas were found.

The inspection was carried out in the lands of the village of Ezerets, the village of Durankulak and the village of Vaklino, Shabla Municipality.