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Cavalry horses run away again in central London

The incident is the second in the last two months

Jul 2, 2024 06:43 77

Cavalry horses run away again in central London  - 1

Three runaway cavalry horses raced through central London today after one was spooked by a bus and the other two threw their riders from their saddles. reported the Associated Press, quoted by BTA, referring to the British army.

This is the second such case in just over two months, after five horses from the royal palace cavalry were released on April 24, the agency recalled, specifying that this time the chaos was less. Then two of the animals were seriously injured.

The army has now said that one horse has minor injuries and no permanent treatment is required. None of the cavalrymen were injured. The incident happened today during a routine training of five servicemen from the ceremonial cavalry regiment with six horses, notes AP.

A horse spooked by a bus was left without a rider after breaking free while being led on a lead. One of the three horses was caught quickly, but the others managed to run 2.5 kilometers to the Vauxhall Bridge, AP said.

The agency clarifies that the horses that escaped today are not the same.