The war is over - it will drag on, of course, for some time with minor clashes that will be called "misunderstandings". The arbitrators will also endure Zelensky's hysterical outbursts in order to preserve his pride to some extent. We will pray that he does not do anything stupid to say goodbye. It has been said, if anyone has not yet understood, that Trump and Putin have a "special responsibility for the security of the world". These two.
Others will scare the crows - like that rooster Macron, who has been boasting these days that France will deploy nuclear weapons on the border with Germany. This will happen in ... 2035, in ten years - but a person must crow something.
Even with the ridiculous meeting in the Oval Office, Trump made it clear that he had no intention of pitying the Ukrainian. He is tired of many with his endless claims. Immediately after Trump's phone call with Putin, some recalled a phrase that was known in diplomatic circles: "If you're not at the table, then you're on the menu". Zelensky, of course, did not hold back and immediately replied that the power in Kiev is not a salad or compote to be present on some menu. The answer of a nervous person. This is how it will be from now on - this always happens, sooner or later, when a leader fails to notice that a crack is appearing between the causes - that of the state and his personal cause.
By the way, the author of the phrase in question is Glenn Beck, it is from his popular book “The Sunset of Democracy“: “If you are not at the table, then you are part of the menu“. And a far less ambitious person than Zelensky will rightly be offended. But he will not be pitied - the collective failure of the “West“ in Ukraine requires that a suitable victim be sought, and as quickly as possible.
There are two other phrases in the book that are also appropriate for the occasion. The first: “The message is meaningless if you have not chosen the right ambassador“. The second is a quote from Thomas Sowell: “The main question is not which is best, but who will determine which is which“. Both phrases remind us of one name: Trump. The words of a writer are most appropriate for him: “He is a man who came into this world with the desire to win a competition known only to him“.
John le Carré said of one of his characters that he had “Teflon skin and the conscience of a dead man“. This about conscience seems too untenable for Trump. However, another author warns us that in no case should we underestimate the “stretchy nature“ of the conscience of the United States. Someone had said something similar, but much more categorically about Russia – that conscience has a place only in its dreams. In politics, there is no place for conscience, even less for feelings – for example, for guilt. Experienced politicians always adhere to the rule “We will worry when the time comes”. And it never comes.
Let me insert here a story shared by someone from Trump's first-term campaign team. The future president refuses to invest his own money in the campaign - finally he agrees to lend him $10 million, on the condition that he will get it back as soon as funds are raised from his supporters.
Today, in addition to his role as a mentor, which he has skillfully appropriated, Trump has another responsibility: to let the world know what really happened in Ukraine and why it happened, what the role of Macron, Boris Johnson, the Germans and especially that of Sleeping Joe/Biden is. No matter how much one strains one's imagination, one cannot see these individuals in any other way than as ordinary politicians, devoid of the insight and brilliance of the great personalities of post-war European politics.
None of them can be trusted unconditionally, nor can their accomplices from the Brussels elite. In fact, all of them have already been forgotten. History will settle its accounts with them, sooner or later, but the Truth must be spoken in time. There is no one else - except Trump - to deliver it, although it will not change anything either. But at least it will confirm the well-known weakness of today's politicians, who are always trying to present the Truth as some kind of alibi for their own weakness. This is one of the most insidious abuses of it. Someone once said that if a politician fails, he must do so while embracing the Truth. Something that is impossible to see today. Everyone prefers to embrace the Lie.
The war is over, but what happened to our politicians - the pathetic amateurs who never stopped talking with their big mouths, without anyone asking them. And, as always, they were not interested in the Truth at all - this will never change. For the last time, they missed the opportunity to behave measuredly, restrained, as befits little people like them. Although, no matter how they behave, no one will pay attention to them. Their reputation is unshakable - as complete sycophants and even more complete conciliators. The war passed us by, we felt sorry for it, it was cruel like any other, but also more illogical than any other, because it burned up the relations between two close peoples. Therefore, it should have been spoken about much more carefully. But it did not happen.
We are left to expect the consequences - from the menu of those who are “specially” responsible for world security. At least one of them will not forget us. The Bear's patience should not be mistaken for magnanimity.
Now the media and especially television must bombard the former Minister of War Tagarev with questions, the unannounced hawk among the local Russophobes. And, of course, a Russian cadre, as befits him - from 1986 to 1989 he defended a dissertation on the topic of "Theory of Management and Its Applications" at the "N. E. Zhukovsky" Air Force Engineering Academy in Moscow (USSR). Because of people like him, Bulgarians will never cease to be amazed at the sinister transformations that these types undergo. They still jump like a Cossack in their sleep at night, when they are closest to their essence. But during the day - oh, by day they are fierce champions of Russian “evil”.
The same Tagarev, the Moscow professor, claimed on television that the Ukrainian army is the best in the world – and that at a time when the Ukrainians were already losing the war. This, besides being stupid, is also a vile deception, a violation of the Truth – and, if our rulers, among whom there are quite a few naive people, as well as quite a few pure-blooded leaders, had trusted him, they could have made some decision, more stupid than usual. We have enough experience in this regard – bloody. However, Tagarev did not stop insisting that we must prepare for war – naturally, as an obedient ally of the best army in the world. We saw what happened to it – The Moscow professor was aware of this from the first day of the war, but he was prudently silent, and he is silent now.
It is good to remember another war, the results of which the authorities also stubbornly hide - the Evil Covid. Bulgaria - with its approximately 40 thousand victims - ended up in second place in the world in terms of the number of deaths per million inhabitants. But not a word is said about this pogrom anymore.
As for the Menu, we have long been on it - it remains to be specified what and how we will be used for, whose appetite we will satisfy, and other such trifles.