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Petar Klisarov in front of FACTS: It is important for Borisov to be in power in order to survive (VIDEO)

What lies in the genesis of the Iran-Israel conflict...

Apr 18, 2024 14:39 200

Petar Klisarov in front of FACTS: It is important for Borisov to be in power in order to survive (VIDEO)  - 1

The prince of Saudi Arabia warmed relations with Iran, introduced them to the Arab League. Everything in the Iran conflict – Israel started from there. Then we heard from Saudi Arabia's position that the strike on Iran should not have happened. But Israel's very act of striking the embassy and eliminating one of its top generals shows that this is not so much decapitating the snake as provoking it. This attack by Israel was done to force America to side with Israel. There was already something here that we saw clearly - America did not take Israel's side 100%. And that's because there have been comments that if the Americans get involved with troops, all US sites in the Middle East become possible targets. This is what he announced to Lili Marinkova in the "FACTS" studio. and the show “Conversation“ Petar Klisarov, leader of the "Direct Democracy" party.

“Otherwise, Iran's attack was an orchestrated attack to have minimal damage and no casualties. This was a tolerant warning from Iran that if Israel retaliates, there will be a response and much more, the leader of Direct Democracy also shared.

“In Israel there is another problem, which is cut in the following. In Israel, many, even fanatically, believe in the predictions that Israel is to expand its territories to the left, right and inward. For that to happen, they need a big, full-scale war, backed by America. Thus they will be able to make these predictions come true. The momentum in Israel right now is so great that Netanyahu will be in trouble. After so many years in power, trust me there are many things he should go to jail for. I am not talking about crimes against humanity, but domestic political matters. When a politician stays in power for so long, there can't be something wrong with him. For Netanyahu, being in power is a matter of survival. The same applies to Boyko Borisov. For Borisov, it is extremely important to be in power in order to survive and not go to prison. For so many years in power, there are many people who do not like him. And in order to survive, he must be in power, Klisarov also said.

See more from the conversation in the VIDEO.