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Arch. Ivan Shishkov in front of FACTS: With the children's hospital, Glavchev gave himself to DANS and the prosecutor's

I don't know what the justification will be for why the accident site near Aksakovo was repaved, says the former acting regional minister

Май 21, 2024 15:00 57

Arch. Ivan Shishkov in front of FACTS: With the children's hospital, Glavchev gave himself to DANS and the prosecutor's  - 1

We witnessed that the official decisions of the government - including the prime minister, are continuously and after every problem given to the prosecutor's office. I would just like to point out that in the previous case, when it came to the children's hospital, the acting Prime Minister Glavchev should have literally given himself to the DANS and the prosecutor's office. Why? Because the Prime Minister is the one who makes the old order in the Council of Ministers. A minister may have proposed an item on the agenda, but it is the Prime Minister who sets the agenda. So the responsibility for the first point lies with the Prime Minister. This was announced to Lili Marinkova in the studio "FACTS". and the show “Conversation“ arch. Ivan Shishkov, former acting regional minister.

As is known, the Acting Minister of Regional Development and Public Works, Violeta Koritarova, ordered to immediately initiate disciplinary proceedings against the director of the Regional Road Administration – Varna engineer Yavor Pasev and the head of the department "Investment and repair activities" in OPU – Varna Sevdalina Kazelova. An inspection found that immediately after the accident near Aksakovo with the NSO car, the road section where the accident happened was asphalted.

“I don't know what the justification will be for why the accident site near Aksakovo was repaved. Most likely, a minister will come out again and say that the road is in bad condition and not maintained, which is not true. We looked at the rhetoric of GERB's speech, and when it really becomes a problem - and a scandalous one at that, it is immediately given to the prosecutor's office. I personally gave a lot of facts to the prosecutor's office, but I have not heard that anything happened. It's not my job to be interested, but the whole society should be interested," added arch. Shishkov.

“In the last 10 months, nothing is happening from what we had done as inspections. I return you to the inspection of the “Hemus“ – lot 0 from Sofia to Yana. There we took samples in 200m, although they told me how I did not take the samples correctly and that they were random. And the prosecution took them in 200 m - as is done, and the results turned out to be the same. But these nuts are stored somewhere in the prosecutor's office. This is what society is interested in. People stop me and ask me different things. Why is nothing happening after all these checks because that's where our money is. People are also interested in something else - why things that had started to change in the right direction did not continue. After all, this is what politicians want for themselves as a way of governing, and people also get this way of governing by voting in this way”, added the guest.

See more from the conversation in the VIDEO.