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Boris Ivanov in front of FACTS: In Bulgaria, the rulers are highly dependent (VIDEO)

The conflict in Ukraine is already seen in our country as an ominous topic, and a war is being waged there, says the guest

Май 28, 2024 15:02 116

Boris Ivanov in front of FACTS: In Bulgaria, the rulers are highly dependent (VIDEO)  - 1

In our country, the conflict in Ukraine is already seen as an ominous topic, and there is a war going on there, it is a war. And now we are given as examples that we have an industrial growth that is also based on the production and sale of weapons. The industry is growing and that's right, but I can't be proud of that. Look, the subject of NATO troops in Ukraine has been on the table for months since French President Macron said it some time ago. Macron is the president of France and hardly says anything casually at official events. I am afraid that in Bulgaria, the countries that have an interest in the continuation of this conflict - from the stimulation, if you will, of the arms business, to the unprincipled opposition to Russia in some respects, will do everything possible to involve as many countries as possible as active participants in this conflict. This was announced to Lili Marinkova in the studio "FACTS". and the show “Conversation“ Boris Ivanov from “The Left”.

„It is not only about those countries that officially export weapons, that export armored personnel carriers, that participate with weapons, with logistics, even if you want with the deployment of additional American troops in Bulgaria and so on. This is why I worry that this is possible in Bulgaria, because the rulers are highly dependent. They are dependent and therefore easily susceptible to these foreign interests. This is a paradox. Bulgarian people vote for the right-wing, but then the interests of other countries, not the people who supported them, get political representation,“, Ivanov added.

See more of the conversation in the VIDEO.