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September 22, 1908. Independence Day is

The conditions for the declaration of independence of the young Bulgarian state at the beginning of the 20th century were extremely favorable

Sep 22, 2024 03:13 64

September 22, 1908. Independence Day is  - 1

On September 22, 1908 in Veliko Tarnovo, Prince Ferdinand with a manifesto declares the independence of Bulgaria. With this act, in practice, the last vassal ties with the Ottoman Empire were rejected. The Principality of Bulgaria became an independent state headed by the crowned king Ferdinand. The high gate, and then the great powers officially recognized Bulgarian independence.

Independence Day was declared an official holiday by a decision of the National Assembly on September 10, 1998. For a long time, the significance of this event in recent history was not appreciated, but on this date in 1908, Bulgaria - one of the oldest in Europe, reappears on the map of Europe after five centuries of slavery.

The conditions for the declaration of independence

of the young Bulgarian state at the beginning of the 20th century were extremely favorable: in the summer of 1908, the Young Turk revolution in the Ottoman Empire ended with success for the reformists. Austria-Hungary - one of the great powers that imposed the Treaty of Berlin - was preparing to annex two of the empire's provinces - Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. to violate it.

That is why the Bulgarian Prince Ferdinand turned directly to Emperor Franz Joseph (they meet in Vienna) to coordinate their actions. In the meantime, the Bulgarian authorities seize the eastern railways in southern Bulgaria and this gives rise to "known" economic contradictions between Austria-Hungary and our country. It even briefly alarmed Ferdinand, who was afraid to declare independence.

But the government has already decided that it will take place on September 22, 1908 in the church of “St. 40 martyrs” in the old Bulgarian capital Veliko Tarnovo – symbolic act of continuation of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom.

Austria-Hungary announces the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on September 20. Two days later in the church “St. 40 martyrs” Prince Ferdinand read the manifesto for the declaration of independence and prayed for the prosperity of the Bulgarian state. After that, Prime Minister Malinov read the manifesto again on the historical Tsarevets hill in front of the thousands gathered.

The declaration of independence was not only a great success for Bulgarian diplomacy, but also after it the vassal principality began to be called the Kingdom of Bulgaria, and the Bulgarian ruler was now titled king.

Years before that, a new policy for rapprochement with Russia is needed. The beginning is made by Ferdinand, who begins

the behind-the-scenes contacts with Russian diplomacy.

On May 19, 1894, Stambolov was overthrown. A government was formed, headed by Dr. Konstantin Stoilov.

The prince achieved his international recognition through reconciliation with Russia. In connection with the funeral of Alexander III, a Bulgarian delegation led by Metropolitan Kliment was solemnly received by the new Russian Emperor Nicholas II on July 4, 1895. One day earlier, Stefan Stambolov was beheaded in Sofia and this marks the new political course of Bulgaria.

On February 2, 1896, Crown Prince Boris Turnovski converted to Orthodoxy and his godfather was Emperor Nicholas II. Ferdinand already enjoys official reception in all European capitals, receives the highest orders.

As commander-in-chief of the army, the monarch undertook its modernization and arming and the building of an elite officer corps.

The Prince supports modernization in all areas – the construction of post offices, railways, stations, ports. He is fond of cars, trains and planes, builds palaces, parks and gardens.

In his foreign policy, Ferdinand achieved not only reconciliation, but also rapprochement with Russia. In 1902, a secret military convention was concluded between the two countries.

The limitations of the Treaty of Berlin, according to which Bulgaria is a vassal principality, prevent the ruler and the country from fully developing its possibilities. Therefore, Ferdinand accepted the idea of independence.

The delicate situation that arose after the violation of the Berlin Treaty has been successfully resolved.

The British Empire was won first,

which sets the condition - to start negotiations between the Bulgarian government and the High Gate.

Negotiations begin immediately, with the Bulgarian delegation led by Andrey Lyapchev. During them, the High Gate wants Bulgaria to pay a large tax. Then, in his capacity as Prime Minister, Malinov declared that independence cannot be bought, even leading to the partial mobilization of the Bulgarian army.

Russia does not want a military conflict in the Balkans and undertakes to mediate in the negotiations. She agreed to forgive the debt of the Ottoman Empire, left over from the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, in exchange for which the High Porte refused to demand compensation from Bulgaria and recognized its independence. Officially, this happened on April 6, 1909, after which, for 10 days, the European powers recognized Bulgaria as a kingdom and as an independent country.

The declaration of independence is undoubtedly the highest point of the political self-awareness and self-determination of the Bulgarian nation in the years after Liberation. From here on, the Kingdom of Bulgaria began to prepare the final annexation of the remaining territories under Ottoman rule.

Manifesto to the Bulgarian people

"By the will of the unforgettable Tsar Liberator, the great fraternal Russian people, aided by our good neighbors, subjects of His Majesty the Romanian King, and by the heroic Bulgarians, on February 19, 1878, broke the chains of slavery that had bound Bulgaria for centuries, once so great and so glorious. From then until today, for thirty years, the Bulgarian people, unwaveringly faithful to the memory of the people's leaders for their freedom and inspired by their covenants, worked tirelessly to settle their beautiful land and created from it under my leadership and that of o' ; Bose the late Prince Alexander, a country worthy of being an equal member of the family of civilized nations.

Always peaceful, My People today yearn for their cultural and economic progress; nothing should hinder Bulgaria in this direction; nothing should stand in the way of its success. Such is the desire of My People, such is his will - to be according to what he wants.

The Bulgarian people and their Head of State cannot but think alike and desire one thing. De facto independent, My country is stumbling in its normal and peaceful development due to certain clauses, with the formal rupture of which will also remove the cooling that has occurred between Bulgaria and Turkey.

I and My People sincerely rejoice in the political revival of Turkey. She and Bulgaria - free and completely independent of each other, will have all the conditions to create and strengthen their friendly ties and surrender to peaceful internal development.

Inspired by this holy work and in order to meet the needs of the state and the people's desire, with the blessing of the Most High, I declare the united Bulgaria on September 6, 1885 as an independent Bulgarian Kingdom, and together with my people I deeply believe that this act of Mine will find approval of the Great Powers and the sympathy of the whole enlightened world.

Long live free and independent Bulgaria!

Long live the Bulgarian people!

Issued in the ancient capital of Veliko Tarnovo on September 22, 1908, the twenty-second year of my reign [Ferdinand] Minister President and Minister of Public Buildings, Roads and Communications: [Al. Malinov] Minister of Foreign Affairs and Confessions: [St. Paprikov] Minister of Internal Affairs: [M. Such] Minister of Public Education: [N. Mushanov] Minister of Finance: [Iv. Salabashev] Minister of Justice: [T. Krastev] Minister of War: [General D. Nikolaev] Minister of Trade and Agriculture: [A. Lyapchev]