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'Nuclear next': Russia attacks Ukrainian army with huge bomb

Russia's armed forces have begun the first phase of planned tactical exercises involving the use of nuclear weapons

Май 22, 2024 22:05 818

'Nuclear next': Russia attacks Ukrainian army with huge bomb  - 1

Russia has made another nuclear threat to Ukraine and NATO. The publication reports that for the first time in Ukraine, a huge bomb was dropped on the positions of the Ukrainian armed forces.

„Next is a nuclear weapon”, the pro-Kremlin publication continues, referring to the start of exercises during which the use of a tactical nuclear weapon will be practiced. This was a response to US and NATO actions aimed at escalating the conflict in Ukraine, the article says.

A FAB-3000 planning bomb was reportedly dropped on Ukrainian positions in the Liptsi region of Kharkiv Oblast. Although there is still no 100% confirmation of this, if the FAB-3000 begins to be used in the special military operation (what in Russia they call their military aggression against Ukraine), the losses for the fortifications and troops of Ukraine will increase significantly.

The decision to resume production of the FAB-3000 was made at the end of 2022, and serial production began only last winter. This happened after the successful use of FAB-500 and FAB-1500 bombs, which turned into a real nightmare for the enemy, writes the Russian edition.

The regular carriers of this bomb will probably be, as before, the Tu-22M3 bombers. The bomb left behind a crater up to 15 meters deep and about 30 meters in diameter. The bomb can hit concrete fortifications.

Russia's armed forces have begun the first phase of planned tactical exercises, including "training for the deployment and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons," in the country's Southern Military District, the Russian Defense Ministry announced. Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the drills earlier this month. The Russian Ministry of Defense specified that tactics with "Iskander" missiles are being practiced in the first phase. and "Dagger".