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The Swiss Peace Summit will give impetus to the negotiations to end the Russian-Ukrainian war

Jun 2, 2024 08:05 193

The Swiss Peace Summit will give impetus to the negotiations to end the Russian-Ukrainian war  - 1

In just two weeks, the World Peace Summit will be held in Switzerland (Bürgenstock resort). Its main task is to coordinate an international strategy for ending the war in Ukraine, as well as to develop a road map for Russia's participation in the further peace process. So far, more than 90 countries have confirmed their participation.

Among the most important topics of the forum will be the discussion of issues of nuclear and food security, the exchange of prisoners of war, as well as the return of Ukrainian citizens kidnapped by Russia, including women and children. The issue of prospects for restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine based on the UN Charter will also be discussed. "In fact, as part of this event, most countries in the world should recognize these initiatives as the main plan to end the war," writes the Polish publication

Of the world's major countries, only China has confirmed that it will not participate in the peace summit due to Russia's absence from the conference. The Russian Federation was not invited to the meeting, as Moscow is not currently interested in ending the war. President Vladimir Putin, despite the fact that he constantly talks about peace, is determined to continue the seizure of Ukrainian territories. Russian troops are constantly shelling Ukrainian cities and destroying critical Ukrainian infrastructure. According to the Russian president, the escalation of the war is the best way to ensure peace under Russian conditions.

However, it is possible that if the Russian Federation takes a more constructive position, it will be invited to the next summits of a similar nature.

It is significant that the Russians spent and continue to spend a lot of resources to discredit the Ukrainian position on restoring peace. Russia launched an entire information campaign to derail the Swiss Summit. The presence at the conference of countries that are associated with the CSTO or are countries that maintain relatively friendly relations with the Russian Federation is a very serious blow to Moscow's image. Therefore, he will continue to try to do everything possible to change the situation as much as possible in his favor and reduce the level of participation of the parties in the event.

In their propaganda, the Russians spread information that the countries of the Global South fully support the Russian Federation and minimize their participation in the Meeting, which is completely untrue. After all, the international event in Switzerland will be attended by heads of state from all continents of the world.

Yet, despite Russia's efforts to discredit Ukraine and its peace initiatives, the Swiss summit will definitely take place. After all, such a large-scale event is an opportunity for each country to contribute to a just resolution of the war and is an attempt to bring the discussion of peace initiatives to the level of global diplomacy. As a result, it will no longer be Ukrainian, but the consolidated position of most countries, which in the future may affect the accelerated restoration of peace in the world.