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Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo resigned after the European elections

The signal to the voters is clear, the Prime Minister said

Jun 10, 2024 07:07 70

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo resigned after the European elections  - 1
Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo has resigned, reports DailyMail, quoted by

He announced his retirement today. His centre-right party Open VLD saw a sharp drop in its votes in the European elections.

„We will come back stronger than ever” - the Belgian Prime Minister with a tearful statement after the election

"For us it was a particularly difficult evening, we lost. As of tomorrow, I will be the prime minister in resignation," he told his supporters at a rally, Politico reported.

Open VLD received 5.7% of the vote, exit polls show, down 2.8 percentage points from the 2019 result. Party chairman Tom Ongena will also resign.

De Croo will remain in the post of caretaker prime minister until a new government is formed.

“I am convinced that we need a new government quickly, with full powers. The voter's signal is clear, he said.