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No prerequisites! Turkey and Armenia confirmed that they will finally reconcile

Presidents Erdogan and Pashinyan stressed the importance of continuing the negotiations between the two countries' special representatives and confirmed the points on which they have reached an agreement so far

Jun 19, 2024 11:47 536

No prerequisites! Turkey and Armenia confirmed that they will finally reconcile  - 1

Turkey and Armenia are determined to normalize their relations "without preconditions", Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said yesterday in a telephone conversation, Anadolu Agency reported, quoted by BTA.

„The two leaders emphasized their political will for full normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia without any preconditions”, Turkey's Communications Directorate announced on the “Ex“ social network.

Erdogan and Pashinyan emphasized the importance of continuing the negotiations between the special representatives of the two countries and confirmed the points on which they have reached an agreement so far, adds the Directorate.

During the phone conversation, Pashinyan congratulated Erdogan on the Muslim holiday of Kurban Bayram. The Turkish President sent his best wishes to the Armenian Prime Minister on the occasion of the upcoming Feast of the Transfiguration.

Erdogan expressed his condolences to Pashinyan for the recent floods in northern Armenia.

„The leaders also welcomed the ongoing dialogue between high-ranking officials of Turkey and Armenia and discussed the latest developments in the region and the international agenda,” the statement added.

Despite the common border, Armenia and Turkey do not have diplomatic relations. In 2009, in Zurich, the foreign ministers of the two countries signed protocols on the establishment of diplomatic relations and on the principles of their relations, but these documents were not ratified by either side.

In recent times, efforts have been made to normalize relations between Ankara and Yerevan. On January 14, 2022. the first meeting of the special representatives for the dialogue between Turkey and Armenia, Serdar Kulac and Ruben Rubinyan, took place in Moscow.