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Russian comedians have released a recording of David Cameron in which they fooled him into talking to Poroshenko

The pair are well known in Russia for snaring a number of Western politicians in recent years, including Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Erdogan

Jun 26, 2024 20:29 232

Russian comedians have released a recording of David Cameron in which they fooled him into talking to Poroshenko  - 1

Two famous Russian comedians who often poke fun at foreign leaders today released a recording of a video conference call with British Foreign Secretary David Cameron in which they misled him into talking to former Ukrainian Prime Minister Petro Poroshenko. reported Reuters, quoted by BTA.

Britain's Foreign Office said earlier this month that Cameron had a video conference call with someone believed to be former Ukrainian leader Poroshenko before realizing it was not.

The conversation, which appears to have lasted 15 minutes and featured Cameron talking on his mobile phone and casually walking outside, turned out to be a stunt played by Russian comedians with the pseudonyms Vovan and Lexus.

The pair are well known in Russia for having snared a number of Western politicians in recent years, including Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Turkish President Recep Erdogan and, in 2022, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace.< /p>

The British Foreign Office said today that the video call appeared to be a Russian information operation aimed at diverting attention from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The ministry did not respond to a question about whether the leaked recording was authentic.